A Report from the Business Process Management for Outsourcing Workshop (WBPMO´07)
Together with Petia I’m heading home after 4 busy days in Marrakech, Marocco. This trip started after an invitation from Prof. Karim Baina that kindly asked us to present KTH/SYSLAB ongoing research at the 1st BPMO workshop. Petia held a key-note speech on the workflow patterns initiative, while my presentation focused on my favourite topics: services, value models, process models and their combination. My presentation was followed by a series of interesting questions, such as how value models might be used to facilitate the integration of process models. I hope the short speech I gave inspire more people try out value modelling. Petia’s speech attracted a larger audience (about 70 people from several workshops), she got questions on the workflow patterns applicability within industry and questions regarding dynamic processes.
During the BPMO workshop topics related to process outsourcing were discussed, such as service discovery using natural language, decision support system for BPM, process verification and integration and outsourcing of business intelligence services.
Our visit was a part of the MENA collaboration between KTH and ENSIAS in Marocco, sponsored by the Swedish Research Counsil.
Take a look at the pictures from our visit.