On the 5th of May, 2010, I visited Microsoft research lab in Cambridge, outside London, for their event on Enabling Innovation through Research. Microsoft Research Cambridge is one of six Microsoft research labs in the world. The event was introduced by a keynote speech given by Andrew Herbert, the managing director of the lab. It showed that they have a wide range of research areas spanning from disease modeling and advertisements to inference and cloud computing. The lunch break that followed combined eating, chatting and walking around among product solutions from different research projects. The researchers were present and they gave us the opportunity to engage in nice discussions on the different solutions and their future plans. There were examples of interactive systems for medical images and body part recognition, painting and auto photo collage tools, for example.
For more information about the research event, please visit:
In addition, Microsoft Research arranges summer schools for PhD students, and they also have PhD Scholarship Programmes and Research Fellowships. Supervisors of PhD students are welcome to nominate projects and PhD students for the summer schools and PhD scholarship programmes.
More general information can be found at: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/labs/cambridge/default.aspx
The agenda of this year’s summer school can be seen at:
Nils Stadling, Microsoft, and I, at Microsoft Research Cambridge