Hi! My name is Hideyuki Tanushi, and I have been working as a programmer for a project of the IT for Health research group since the beginning of this month. Here is a short introduction of myself and the project I am engaged in.
Originally, I studied Linguistics at Stockholm University and wrote a bachelor examination project in Computational Linguistics, and then I entered the four-years program of Computer and Systems Sciences at DSV. I completed my master examination project last autumn. In my thesis work I examined prevalence of diseases from a large amount of patient records, Stockholm EPR Corpus and analyzed comorbidity (i.e. two or more coexisting medical conditions or disease processes) combinations for three common chronic diseases (essential hypertension, asthma and type 2 diabetes). The current project is an extension of my master examination project, and we are planning to develop a visualizing tool for comorbidity network. The visualizing tool is called “Comorbidity-View” and will demonstrate all the relationships between coexisting diseases for individual patients using the Stockholm EPR Corpus.
Though this is a three-months project, I look forward to getting to know people here at DSV!
// Hideyuki