Hercules Dalianis, Martin Hassel and Sumithra Velupillai organized the Louhi 2010, Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documuntes. Maria Skeppstedt also from our group presented her paper Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text. We presented also a joint paper with the HEXAnord research network. Eduard Hovy from USC/ISI held an excellent invited talk with the title Creating Training Material for Health Informatics: Toward a Science of Annotation for over 30 attendants.
The Louhi 2010 workshop was a success with submissions from eleven countries and three continents. The presentations encompassed clinical texts in Swedish, Finnish, French and English. The main conference NAACL-HLT, the 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, had over 600 participants and 200 accepted papers.