Today, we had the kick-off meeting for the SAMMET project – Methods for Customer Interactive Service Design. Representatives from SYSLAB, Linköping University, University of Skövde, Dataföreningen, Ericsson, SAS, Volvo, and Skatteverket participated in the meeting. We discussed the needs of the organisations, which ranged from novel e-services for citizens to interoperability architectures for global enterprises. Furthermore, the researchers presented a number of model and method components including tools for value and goal analysis, interaction design, and participative service modelling.
More information on SAMMET
Seminar on Adaptive SOA by Hans Weigand
Today Hans Weigand from Tilburg University gave a seminar on Adaptive Service Oriented Architecture. Hans has also been visiting us this week for continuing our previous work on service modelling and management. In particular, we have been discussing how services can be analyzed using REA and value modelling.
Hans Weigand visits SYSLAB
Hans Weigand from Tilburg University visited us at SYSLAB 17 – 20 Dec 2007. We continued our previous work on value and business modelling. In particular, we discussed how service models could be based on value models. We also discussed how value activities should be modelled, in particular the issue that a value activity may use and contribute to the same resource, e.g. knowledge.
The figure shows, from left, Birger Andersson, Hans Weigand, Paul Johannesson, Ananda Edirisuriya, and Tharaka Ilayperuma.
Hans Weigand Homepage