Last week, I found myself in Vienna invited by Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis, head of the Knowledge and Business Engineering Research Group at the University of Vienna. During my stay there I had the chance to learn more about the OpenModels initiative, a platform-based community to build, share and reuse models openly, and get a hands-on training on ADOxx, a meta-modeling platform developed by a team led by Prof. Karagiannis which is an evolution of the ADONIS tool for Business Process Modeling. I also gave a guest lecture on Modeling Business Strategy for Business-IT Alignment to master students for the modeling course offered by the department.
While the group is working mostly on business process management, their work around ADOxx expands to other areas as well, where meta-models of varying methods have been developed, such as i*, EKD, and more.
Additionally the modeling philosophy of the groups is quite similar to ours at SYSLAB which constitutes fruitful ground for future collaboration.
Finally, I should definitely stress how thankful I am to Prof. Karagiannis and his group both for the invitation as well as for their warming and outstanding hospitality in Vienna.
- with Prof. Karagiannis in front of the Nobel awarded Academics from the University of Vienna
- In class after just having delivered my guest lecture with Prof. Karagiannis and his assistant
- The main library hall at the University of Vienna