The project vision is to design and develop eGovernment services based on human language technology tools that facilitate efficient communication between government agencies and citizens and companies, which will lead to a transformed and improved government.
The overall goal of the demonstrator is to show how further development of today´s tools and technologies can improve the communication between large organizations and people. The demonstrator will run on Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency) and help to automate the communication between these organizations and the people by processing text-based inquiries, primarily e-mail based queries.
Our tools and technologies will:
1. automate answering of a large part of the incoming e-mail flow,
2. improve right-on-time answers to inquiries asked through electronic devices.
3. change the workload for the administrators at Försäkringskassan and use their skills in a better way.
The project will be carried out in cooperation with Försäkringskassan, Statistics Sweden, SCB and the Human Language Technology Group at CSC/KTH
Press release Vinnova: Användarna i fokus i VINNOVA-satsning på e-förvaltning> in Swedish.