As a member of the technical team representing the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI), Today, I had the opportunity to present the outcome of the work done within the REVVA 2 consortium. Under the auspices of the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), the project was focused on developing a generic and comprehensive Verification, Validation & Acceptance (VV&A) methodology for modeling and simulation (M&S) products. The outcome is meant to be submitted as an internationally recognized standard and recommended practice for the application of VV&A, the Generic Methodology for Verification, Validation and Acceptance (GM-VV).
The GM-VV provides a generic framework to efficiently develop an argument to justify why identified models, simulations, underlying data, outcomes and capabilities are believed to be acceptable for deployment in the target (intended) operational (use) context. This argument is intended to support stakeholders in their acceptance decision-making process on the utilization the aforementioned M&S artifacts to satisfy their business goals. The methodology provides this support throughout the whole life-cycle of these (M&S) artifacts (development, employment and (re)use). More importantly, the GM-VV defines the required information and argumentation mechanisms that allow well-balanced and risk informed arguments for acceptance decision making with various levels of formality.
The presentation can be found here:2009.04.08 REVVA2 for SYSLAB.pdf, while the full document set (the GM-VV Handbook, the GM-VV RPG and the GM-VV Reference Manual) can be found at SISO’s product development group webpage.