Sumithra Velupillai and Hercules Dalianis attended LOUHI ’08: The First Conference on Text and Data Mining of Clinical Documents in Turku, Finland, September 3-4.
At Louhi ’08 Sumithra and Hercules presented the work-in-progress proposal paper Diagnosing Diagnoses in Swedish Clinical Records. In this paper, planned text mining research on electronic clinical records written in Swedish are described. The work is part of the KEA-project and the proposed work will start this autumn. The paper can be found here:
The conference gathered people from all over the world working on similar research projects, and many valuable contacts were established. Hercules and Sumithra were proposed to continue the conference and organize it in Sweden next time. We were honoured and accepted of course to carry out the next conference in Sweden.
Some photos:
Sumithra and Hercules presenting their Work in Progress Proposal:
Hercules with Julia Medori and Cristiana Larizza:
Sumithra with Hanna Suominen and Cristiana Larizza at the poster session: