Professor Lazar Rusu at Stockholm University has received in 2020 the IBM Academic Award for the research project entitled “Risks in Cloud Computing Relationships in Public Organizations”. The project aims to identify the risk factors in cloud computing relationships in public organizations and how to mitigate these risks.
Papers published in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing and accepted in Procedia Computer Science and International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy
A paper written by Parisa Aasi, Jovana Nikic, Melisa Li, and Lazar Rusu, and entitled: “The Influence of Cloud Computing on IT Governance in a Swedish Municipality” has been published in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) 402, pp. 623-639, Springer, 2020 (Best Theoretical Paper Award)
A paper written by Lazar Rusu, Balasuriya L.P. Balasuriya, and Ousman Bah and entitled: “Cultural Barriers in Digital Transformation in a Public Organization: A Case Study of a Sri-Lankan Organization” has been published in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) 402, pp. 640-656, Springer, 2020
A paper written by Georg Hodosi, Arif Haider, and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “Risk Factors in Cloud Computing Relationships: A Study in Public Organizations in Sweden” has been accepted for publication in Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2020.
A paper written by Teo Lo Piparo, Georg Hodosi, and Lazar Rusu and entitled “Service Level Agreement Negotiation in Cloud Computing Buying Organizations” has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, Vol. 12, Issue 3, IGI Global, 2021.
A paper written by Simin Sigari, Adnan Altunyurt, and Lazar Rusu and entitled “Barriers in Digital Transformation: A Case Study of an IT Company in Sweden” has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, Vol. 12, Issue 4, IGI Global, 2021.
Best Theoretical Paper Award at 17th European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2020)
The paper entitled “The Influence of Cloud Computing on IT Governance in a Swedish Municipality” (authors: Parisa Aasi, Jovana Nikic, Melisa Li, Lazar Rusu) presented at 17th European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2020) has received the “Best Theoretical Paper Award”.
Outstanding Reviewer Award Winners at Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020)
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is one of the leading conferences in Information Systems area ( that in 2020 was held as a virtual conference (
In this year, I have served AMCIS 2020 as mini-track chair and as session chair of “IT Governance and Business-IT Alignment in the Era of Digital Transformation”, and the mini-track I was chairing has be the one that has received the most papers in the Strategic and Competitive Uses of IT track (
Furthermore, I am very happy and proud that at AMCIS 2020, I have been among the Outstanding Reviewer Award Winners at AMCIS 2020, and also nominated as the best reviewer at Strategic and Competitive Uses of IT track at AMCIS 2020 (2020 AMCIS SCUIT Track Session CHAIRS FINAL).
A screenshot taken from the video of the AMCIS 2020 Awards Ceremony with some of the Outstanding Reviewer Award Winners is included below.
Mila Grancharova, new employee

Hi! My name is Mila and I’ve just started as a research assistant at DSV. I will be working on de-identification of medical records under the supervision of Hercules Dalianis until February 2021.
My background is in computer science and I am about to receive my CS Master’s degree from KTH, with specialisation in natural language processing.
I’m looking forward to working with you at DSV and getting to know you all!
Research Achievement
According to ResearchGate (achieved on April 1, 2020) (, Professor Lazar Rusu’s research items were the most cited research items from his department (Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University).
Book Review in Journal of Global Information Technology Management and Papers Published in Proceedings of HICSS-53, UKAIS 2020, and Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)
The book written by Georg Hodosi and Lazar Rusu and entitled “Risks, Relationships, and Success Factors in IT Outsourcing: A Study in Large Companies” published in 2019 by Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland has been reviewed in Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 23(2), pp. 169-170, 2020
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan, Lazar Rusu, and Erik Perjons and entitled “Business-IT Alignment in the Era of Digital Transformation: Quo Vadis?”, has been published in Proceedings of 53th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-53), pp. 5563-5572, 2020
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan, Lazar Rusu, and Erik Perjons and entitled “Organisational structure’s influence on IT alignment in a public organisation: A confirmatory case study analysis”, has been published in Proceedings of the 25th UK Academy for Information Systems Conference (UKAIS), Paper 12, ISSN: 978-0-9560272-2-1, 2020
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan and entitled “Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: Identifying Critical Success Factors” has been published in M. Themistocleous, and M. Papadaki (Eds.) EMCIS 2019, LNBIP 381, pp. 223-235, Springer, 2020
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan, Lazar Rusu, and Erik Perjons and entitled “Organisational Structure’s Influence on IT Alignment: The Case of a Public Organisation” has been published in M. Themistocleous, and M. Papadaki (Eds.) EMCIS 2019, LNBIP 381, pp. 471-485, Springer, 2020
A paper written by Georg Hodosi, Alexander Stark, Eric van Beers, and Lazar Rusu and entitled “Factors for Successful IT Outsourcing Relationships in Large Companies in Sweden: A Service Buyer’s Perspective” has been published in M. Themistocleous, and M. Papadaki (Eds.) EMCIS 2019, LNBIP 381, pp. 486-497, Springer, 2020
A paper written by Jobarteh, Ebrima, Neha Agrawal, and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “Barriers in Business-IT Alignment in the Banking Sector in a Developing Country: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in the Gambia” has been published in M. Themistocleous, and M. Papadaki (Eds.) EMCIS 2019, LNBIP 381, pp. 498-511, Springer, 2020
Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan’s Licentiate Seminar
On May 11, 2020 our colleague Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan, PhD student in IT Management and Governance group at DSV/Stockholm University has defended successfully his licentiate thesis entitled: “Information Technology Alignment: The Role of Organizational Structure”. His licentiate thesis is available at the following link in DiVA: On behalf of research group in IT Management and Governance, I would like to congratulate Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan for this achievement.