On November 30, 2012 our colleague Mohamed El-Mekawy has defended successfully his Licentiate Thesis entitled: “From Societal to Organizational Culture: The Impact on Business-IT Alignment”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Mohamed for his achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.
Call for papers to the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases: Special issue on Business, Strategy & IT Alignment
Here is a call for papers to the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jittc/index.html): Special issue on Business, Strategy & IT Alignment (Editors: Jerry Luftman, Lazar Rusu, & Martin Santana).
This special issue on IT business alignment cases will provide examples of successes and failures that demonstrate the importance of the IT business relationship. For this special issue, specific areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Best Practices in Business-IT Alignment
- Effective Communications
- Demonstrable Competency/Value Analytics
- Applicable Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Governance Processes
- Successful Partnerships
- Deployable Leading Edge IT Services; Scope & Architecture
- Successful Skills/HR Initiatives
- Exemplary IT Strategy Planning Activities
- Enablers and Inhibitors to Alignment
- Models for Managing Change
- Lessons in Organizational Design
- Strategic IT Initiatives (e.g., moves to digital business)
We are targeting the special issue publication for December 2013. The time-line is:
- Abstracts of case – March 1st 2013
- Full case and teaching note submitted – June 1st 2013
- Reviews returned – July 1st 2013
- Second submission – August 30th 2013
- Final Acceptance – September 30th 2013
For more information about this call for papers please have a look here: JIT Teaching Cases – Call for papers
Papers accepted for publication in journals and in the proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012), Seattle, Washington, August 9-11, 2012
In this year a number of papers written by the members of IT management group and master students at KTH (that IT management group members has supervised on their master thesis work) were accepted for publication in International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology, International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance and in the Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012).
The first paper is entitled “A Risk Based View of Influential Factors in IT Outsourcing Relationship for Large Multinational Companies “ and was written by Georg Hodosi, Lazar Rusu and Seungho Choo (former KTH-EMIS student). The paper has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology, IGI Global, 2012.
The second paper is entitled “The impact of different organizational cultures on IT outsourcing relationship management” and was written by Seyedeh Parisa Aasi (KTH-EMIS student), Ivan Nunes (KTH-EMIS student), Lazar Rusu and Georg Hodosi. The paper has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, IGI Global, 2012.
The third paper is entitled “An Organizational Culture Perspective in Business-IT Alignment” and was written by Mohamed El-Mekawy, Ehsan Kaboudvand (former KTH-EMIS student) and Lazar Rusu. The paper has been accepted for publication in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, IGI Global, 2012.
The fourth paper is entitled “Important Factors in IT Outsourcing Relationship, a Model Development and Verification in Major National Companies”, and was written by Georg Hodosi, Rickard Rickmo (former KTH-IT student), Jan-Kamil Rembisch (former KTH-IT student) and Lazar Rusu. The paper has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 9-11, 2012.
Open Seminar with Professor Wim Van Grembergen
At the invitation of IT management group Professor Wim Van Grembergen from University of Antwerp, Belgium has given on February 23, 2012 in Sal C, at DSV an open seminar. The topics of the seminar were regarding Enterprise Governance of IT and COBIT 5. A short description about our distinguish guest speaker and his presentation is below included.
Wim Van Grembergen (PhD) is a professor and Chair of the Information Systems Management Department at the Economics and Management Faculty of the University of Antwerp (UA) and at the University of Antwerp Management School (UAMS). He teaches information systems at bachelor, master, and executive levels and researches in IT governance, IT strategy, IT performance management, and IT balanced scorecard. Within his IT Alignment and Governance (ITAG) Research Institute (www.uams.be/itag) he also conducts applied research in these domains. Dr. Van Grembergen is a frequent speaker at academic and professional meetings and conferences and serves in a consulting capacity to a number of firms. He has several publications in leading journals and published books on IT governance and IT balanced scorecard. In 2009, he co-authored with Steven De Haes the book Enterprise Governance of IT: Achieving Strategic Alignment and Value (Springer).
The pdf files of his presentation you could find here Wim Van Grembergen EGIT and Wim Van Grembergen COBIT 5
Edephonce Nfuka’s PhD Dissertation
On February 24, 2012 our colleague Edephonce Nfuka, PhD student at DSV/Stockholm University has defended successfully his doctoral thesis entitled: “IT Governance in Tanzanian Public Sector Organizations”. The link to his PhD thesis in DiVA at Stockholm University is the following: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=1&pid=diva2:481199
On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Edephonce Nfuka for this great achievement. In fact he is the first student from our research group who has defended his doctoral thesis in the area of IT Governance. Some pictures from the PhD dissertation are below included.
Busital 2012
Once again DSV has a stake in the organisation of the International Workshop on Business/IT-Alignment and Interoperability (Busital).
The workshop is held in conjuction with the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’12) in Gdańsk, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012.
Please consider publishing your research reports at Busital!
Anayanci Lopez Poveda’s Licentiate Seminar
On December 9, 2011 our colleague Anayanci Lopez Poveda has defended successfully her Licentiate Thesis named: “Towards a framework for analyzing IT strategy management in public sector”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Anayanci for her achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.
The Third Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems – SCIS 2012, August 17–20, 2012, Sigtuna, Sweden
Here is a call for papers to the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, in conjunction with the 35th IRIS seminar, August 17–20, 2012, Sigtuna, Sweden. For more information about this conference please access the following link: http://iris.im.uu.se/