Martin Henkel and Ilia Bider demonstrated the teaching concept of Apprenticeship Simulation at the EDOC conference in Stockholm. Apprenticeship Simulation makes use of multi-media sources to present realistic cases that the student can work with. The concept is specially designed for teaching subjects which include both tacit and explicit knowledge, such as Enterprise Modelling (EM). As a part of the demonstration, a Case-Based Immersive Learning Environment used for teaching at Stockholm University was shown.
New book on participatory modeling
A new book on participatory enterprise modeling (EM) will come out later this summer.
This book is intended for anybody who wants to learn more about how to facilitate participatory modeling in practice and how to set up and carry out enterprise modeling projects. It does not require any in-depth knowledge about specific EM methods and tools, and can be used by students and lecturers for courses on participatory modeling, and by practitioners wanting to extend their knowledge of social and organizational topics to become an experienced facilitator and EM project manager.
J.Stirna, A.Persson: Enterprise Modeling: Facilitating the Process and the People, Springer, 2018, link
Three research application in Health Informatics are funded!
Three research applications from the IS unit researchers have been approved. The applications were all sent to the Stockholm County Council (SLL) – Stockholm University Call in October 2017.
KVALPA: What quality indicators in the patient journal’s free text are needed to measure the quality of care? The project aims to create an automatic method for this through machine learning. Project leader: Hercules Dalianis
IMPROVE JANUSMED WITH PROCESS MINING. The project is about developing safer drug prescription by evaluating and improving Janusmed with process mining. Janusmed is a decision support system that controls and warns whether there is a risk of serious drug interactions as well as side effects due to enhanced effects when co-administered with multiple drugs. Stockholm County Council (SLL) provides, develops and manages Janusmed. Janusmed is available today on the web via and is also integrated with the SLL journal systems. To the best of our knowledge, process mining has not yet been applied in any research project in Sweden. Project leader: Paul Johannesson. Participants: Amin Jalali, Erik Perjons (and Uno Fors in a limited role).
CAPABILITY AND VALUE-BASED CHANGE ANALYSIS OF THE 1177 VÅRDGUIDEN. The aim of the project is to develop a method to support the management organization for the 1177 Vårdguiden at SLL in assessing and analyzing how change proposals of the 1177 service, including affects on the various actors involved in the network around the service – and estimates of costs and benefits for the various actors. The method is based on (1) network-based analysis of the values and abilities of the various stakeholders in the network, and (2) on existing enterprise architecture of the management organization – in form of enterprise models such as value, process and information models over the 1177 service. Project leader: Erik Perjons. Participants: Martin Henkel, Ilia Bider (and Anders Tell in a limited role).
Research visit at University of Vienna
Researchers of IS Unit visited OMiLAB – research group of Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis at Institute Computer Science and Business Informatics, at the University of Vienna, Austria and BOC AG. Discussions on using ADOxx tool for 4EM, Capability Driven Development, and future of modeling.
New book in German on Enterprise Modeling
Kurt Sandkuhl, Matthias Wißotzki, Janis Stirna, Unternehmensmodellierung: Grundlagen, Methode und Praktiken, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-31093-5, available on SpringerLink
Best Paper Award
The paper ”Capability Driven Development – an Approach to Support Evolving Organizations” written by Janis Stirna, Janis Grabis, Martin Henkel and Jelena Zdravkovic has been awarded for being among the best papers in the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM) conference 2012. The paper describes how the concepts of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, capability context and capability delivery patterns can be used to integrate organizational capability development with IS development.
Research visit at the University of Vienna
Last week, I found myself in Vienna invited by Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis, head of the Knowledge and Business Engineering Research Group at the University of Vienna. During my stay there I had the chance to learn more about the OpenModels initiative, a platform-based community to build, share and reuse models openly, and get a hands-on training on ADOxx, a meta-modeling platform developed by a team led by Prof. Karagiannis which is an evolution of the ADONIS tool for Business Process Modeling. I also gave a guest lecture on Modeling Business Strategy for Business-IT Alignment to master students for the modeling course offered by the department.
While the group is working mostly on business process management, their work around ADOxx expands to other areas as well, where meta-models of varying methods have been developed, such as i*, EKD, and more.
Additionally the modeling philosophy of the groups is quite similar to ours at SYSLAB which constitutes fruitful ground for future collaboration.
Finally, I should definitely stress how thankful I am to Prof. Karagiannis and his group both for the invitation as well as for their warming and outstanding hospitality in Vienna.
- with Prof. Karagiannis in front of the Nobel awarded Academics from the University of Vienna
- In class after just having delivered my guest lecture with Prof. Karagiannis and his assistant
- The main library hall at the University of Vienna
Busital 2012
Once again DSV has a stake in the organisation of the International Workshop on Business/IT-Alignment and Interoperability (Busital).
The workshop is held in conjuction with the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’12) in Gdańsk, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012.
Please consider publishing your research reports at Busital!