I attended the CoNLL conference in Beijing July 30-31, which is organized by SIGNLL (the ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning). CoNLL had shallow discourse parsing as a shared task and in total 29 long and 9 short papers were presented. I presented a paper based on my master thesis called Linking entities across images and text. The paper was co-authored with Pierre Nugues and Kalle Åström at Lund University. CoNLL was collocated with ACL 2015 and held at the China National Convention Center.
Four DSV papers accepted at Louhi 2015
Four DSV papers accepted at Louhi 2015, the Sixth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Friedrich S and Dalianis H. Adverse Drug Event classification of health records using dictionary based pre-processing and machine learning.
- Henriksson A. Representing Clinical Notes for Adverse Drug Event Detection.
- Alfalahi A, Skeppstedt M, Ahlbom R, Baskalayci R, Henriksson A, Asker L, Paradis C and Kerren A. Expanding a dictionary of marker words for uncertainty and negation using distributional semantics.
- Weegar R and Dalianis H. Creating a rule based system for text mining of Norwegian breast cancer pathology reports.
50 % acceptance rate.
Louhi 2014: Special Issue on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis now published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
We are happy to announce the publication of the Louhi 2014 Special Issue on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Volume 15, Supplement 2:
This special issue is edited by myself, Martin Duneld, Aron Henriksson, Maria Kvist, Maria Skeppstedt and Hercules Dalianis, and features five new contributions following the 2014 Louhi workshop held in conjunction with EACL in Gothenburg, as well as an introduction article.
Louhi 2014: Special issue on health text mining and information analysis
Sumithra Velupillai, Martin Duneld, Aron Henriksson, Maria Kvist, Maria Skeppstedt, Hercules Dalianis
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S1 (15 June 2015)
Care episode retrieval: distributional semantic models for information retrieval in the clinical domain
Hans Moen, Filip Ginter, Erwin Marsi, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Tapio Salakoski, Sanna Salanterä
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S2 (15 June 2015)
Using text mining techniques to extract phenotypic information from the PhenoCHF corpus
Noha Alnazzawi, Paul Thompson, Riza Batista-Navarro, Sophia Ananiadou
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S3 (15 June 2015)
Detection of sentence boundaries and abbreviations in clinical narratives
Markus Kreuzthaler, Stefan Schulz
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S4 (15 June 2015)
SNOMED CT in a language isolate: an algorithm for a semiautomatic translation
Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Maite Oronoz
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S5 (15 June 2015)
Exploring Spanish health social media for detecting drug effects
Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Paloma Martínez, Ricardo Revert, Julián Moreno-Schneider
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2015, 15(Suppl 2):S6 (15 June 2015)
Call for papers to IT Governance and Business-IT Alignment track at 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016)
The 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016) is one the prestigious conference in information systems area and on next year this conference will be held from 12 to 15 of June, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey (http://www.ecis2016.eu/en/default.asp). As co-chair of IT Governance and Business-IT Alignment track I would like to invite researchers who are interested in this track area to submit their papers till November 27, 2015. For more information about this track please access the following link: http://www.ecis2016.eu/files/downloads/Tracks/T19.pdf
Papers accepted for publication in Computer in Human Behavior journal and in Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015)
A paper written by Carolina Alaceva and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “Barriers in achieving business/IT alignment in a large Swedish company: What we have learned?“, has been accepted for publication in Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, (In Press), doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.007.
A paper written by Mohamed El-Mekawy, Lazar Rusu and Erik Perjons and entitled: “An evaluation framework for comparing business-IT alignment models: A tool for supporting collaborative learning in organizations“, has been accepted for publication in Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, (In Press), doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.016.
A paper written by Fredrik Larsson, Lazar Rusu and Parisa and entitled: “Organizational Structure in IT Governance: A Case Study of an IT Governance Implementation Project“, has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015), August 13-15, 2015, Puerto Rico, USA.
Text mining of cancer pathology reports at Kreftregisteret, Oslo, 8-9 april 2015
Rebecka Weegar and I had a kickoff for our Minecan project at Kreftregisteret, Oslo, 8-9 April 2015.
200 000 cancer pathology reports for cancer are sent yearly from all hospitals in Norway to Kreftregistret to be manually read and entered into a database. 25 human coders are performing this work.
Our plan is to build a prototype that automatically reads the pathology reports that are written in Norwegian and transfers some of the important information into the database. We are planning to use already coded pathology reports as training material.
Stockholm Natural Language Processing Meetup
Today I visited Stockholm Natural Language Processing Meetup. This time hosted by Gavagai at Bondegatan 21, Södermalm in Stockholm. Sahar Asadi from Meltwater, organised everything. The topic today was “Word embedding: From theory to practice. Three speakers talked: Magnus Sahgren on “Distributional semantics at Gavaga”, Hendrik Heuer on “Word2vec from theory to practice and finally Jimmy Callin on “Distributional semantic models in practice”. During two hours we obtained a nice overview of the area and different approaches to perform different forms of distributional semantics. Please try http://lexicon.gavagai.se, it is fun.
As you maybe also know Dr. Maria Skeppstedt is post doc at Gavagai and Linnaeus University under supervision of Dr. Magnus Sahlgren. Everything funded by Vetenskapsrådet.
Some photos for the meetup and a recording of the presentation
Jens Ohlsson’s Licentiate Seminar
On March 9, 2015 our colleague Jens Ohlsson has defended successfully his Licentiate Thesis entitled: “Supporting Business Process Improvement Initiatives by Prioritizing and Categorizing Business Processes”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Jens for his achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.