The Louhi 2014 – The Fifth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis workshop is organized by the Clinical Text Mining group, DSV. It will take place at EACL-2014 Gothenbourg, april 27, 2014,
EACL 2014, the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics is the largest conference in computational linguistics in Europe.
New book in German on Enterprise Modeling
Kurt Sandkuhl, Matthias Wißotzki, Janis Stirna, Unternehmensmodellierung: Grundlagen, Methode und Praktiken, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-31093-5, available on SpringerLink
Aron Henriksson’s Licentiate Dissertation Defense
Aron Henriksson convincingly defended his Licentiate thesis on October 18, 2013. The thesis, with the title Semantic Spaces of Clinical Text – Leveraging Distributional Semantics for Natural Language Processing of Electronic Health Records, investigates the applicability and utility of distributional semantics to facilitate information extraction from electronic health records. This was demonstrated in several use-cases; finding synonyms, identifying and explaining abbreviations, detecting adverse reactions to medication, and assigning clinical codes to texts. The mined health records were written in Swedish and, in one instance, in English.
Professor Jussi Karlgren from KTH conducted the opposition. Given his extensive hands-on experience with the aforementioned techniques in other domains, both as a researcher at SICS and as a founder of the company Gavagai, Jussi led a very interesting discussion with the respondent. The opponent and the examiner had many good things to say about the thesis. The examiner from DSV was Professor Paul Johannesson. Aron’s advisors are Dr Martin Duneld and Professor Hercules Dalianis, who will continue to work with Aron in his future research studies.
Call for chapters to the book entitled “Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management”
Here is a call for chapters to the book entitled “Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management” (Editors: Shang Gao and Lazar Rusu) scheduled to be published by IGI Global in 2014. The book objective is to brings together the latest academic research and professional practice, covering aspects related to modern techniques for successful IT project management.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Virtual project management
- Agile project management
- Project success
- Risk management
- Outsourcing or distributed projects
- Project management methodologies
- Project quality metrics or standards
- IT project governance
- Project controlling practices
- Best practices in IT outsourced projects
- Relationships in IT outsourced projects
- Project lifecycle management
- Modeling approach for IT project management
- Managing IT outsourced projects
- Coordination of IT projects
- Theories used in IT project management
- Pedagogical issues on modern techniques for IT project management
Important Dates:
December 15, 2013: Proposal Submission Deadline
January 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
February 28, 2014: Full Chapter Submission
April 30, 2014: Review Results Returned
June 15, 2014: Final Chapter Submission
July 15, 2014: Final Deadline
For more information about this call for chapters please access the following link:
Claudia Ehrentraut – new employee
Even though it has been a month since I started working here, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to everyone at DSV. I am working as a research engineer in the Clinical Text Mining Group led by Hercules Dalianis. My current research covers Language Technology and Health Informatics in general and the Detection of Hospital Acquired Infections in particular.
My background is in Language Technology and Linguistics. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Nordic Languages and Anthropology from the University of Freiburg and continued to study the Master’s program in Language Technology at Uppsala University, which I completed in spring 2013. I wrote my Master’s thesis at DSV, focusing on the detection of Hospital Acquired Infections in Swedish patient records using machine learning. My current work pursues the objective to optimize the initial results by applying new preprocessing methods and using a larger dataset.
I am looking forward to working with you and meeting everyone who I haven’t had the chance to talk to yet.
CLEFeHealth and CLEF 2013
Sumithra Velupillai attended the CLEF eHealth lab organized at the CLEF conference in Valencia, 23 – 26 September 2013.
The CLEF conference “promotes the systematic evaluation of information access systems, primarily through experimentation on shared tasks”. This year, there were nine labs with different specific information access problems.
Sumithra was one of the co-organizers of the CLEFeHealth lab together with researchers from Australia, US, Ireland, Finland and more. This year’s lab included three research tasks:
- Task 1: identification of disorders from clinical reports and mapping of the SNOMED CT disorders to UMLS codes
- Task 2: mapping abbreviations and acronyms in clinical reports to UMLS codes
- Task 3: information retrieval to address questions patients may have when reading clinical reports
There was considerable interest in these tasks: 20 countries, 34 teams and 113 submitted systems! During the lab sessions in Valencia, the task teams were invited to describe their work in more detail, the winning teams were invited to describe their solutions along with fruitful discussions with the lab attendees. The lab also contained a student mentoring track for which senior researchers were assigned a mentoring role.
Next year’s CLEFeHealth will include three new information access tasks related to health text.
IS-seminar: Azad Dehghan: Extracting and Modelling Clinical Pathways from Healthcare Narratives
Azad Dehghan from University of Manchester held an IS-seminar yesterday with the title: Extracting and Modelling Clinical Pathways from Healthcare Narratives. Azad works at the HECTA – Healthcare Text Analytics @ gnTEAM group. Azad presented his work on extraction of named entities using conditional random fields with a set of features. He also showed how to use conditional random fields combined with a rule based approach to extract temporal expressions and events.
Medinfo 21-23 Aug 2013 Copenhagen
We – Mia Kvist, Sumithra Velupillai, Maria Skeppstedt, Danny Brash and I participated at SHI 2013 and Medinfo 2013 in Copenhagen. SHI 2013 is the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2013 and Medinfo 2013 is the 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics and is the largest medical informatics conference.
We had three papers at SHI 2013, Nurses’ experiences with electronic medical records by Anders Jansson, Marcus Vidarsson & Danny Brash, where Anders and Marcus are bachelor students of Danny who also presented the paper. The paper with the title Professional Language in Swedish Radiology Reports – Characterization for Patient-Adapted Text Simplification by Maria Kvist and Sumithra Velupillai was presented by Mia Kvist and finally the paper with the title Functions for Personal Health Records in Sweden – Patient Perspectives by Sumithra Velupillai, Omran Ibrahim and Maria Kvist, was presented by Sumithra where Omran was Sumithras and Maria Kvists master student.
Medinfo 2013 followed directly after SHI 2013 and had 1 200 participants. We had one paper presentation, one poster presentation and organized one panel discussion. Sumithra presented the paper with the title Extending the NegEx Lexicon for Multiple Languages by Wendy Chapman, Dieter Hilert, Sumithra Velupillai, Maria Kvist , Maria Skeppstedt, Brian Chapman, Michael Conway, Melissa Tharp, Danielle Mowery and Louise Deleger, the room was packed with people so they had to stand along the walls of the room!
The poster with the title Using Text Prediction for Facilitating Input and Improving Readability of Clinical Text by Magnus Ahltorp, Maria Skeppstedt,Hercules Dalianis and Maria Kvist was presented by Maria Skeppstedt. The panel had the title Automatic Clinical Text De-Identification: Is It Worth It, and Could It Work for Me?, and was held by Stéphane M. Meystre, Hercules Dalianis and Pierre Zweigenbaum. Methods and issues of de-identification in three different countries were presented in the panel, and this also lead to intensive discussions about de-identification , ethics and how to use clinical records for research.
We have written a short project report in Swedish from the conference, if you are interested to read it, please contact me.
Here follows some photos from the conference