I talked att the Stockholm NLP meetup hosted by the news monitoring company Meltwater. The meeting had around 30 participants. A mixture people from the commercial natural language processing community, new monitoring specialists and master students from KTH and other engineering departments. See here for abstract, recording and slides.
Parisa Aasi’s Licentiate Seminar
On February 19, 2016 our colleague Parisa Aasi has defended successfully her Licentiate Thesis entitled: “Organizational Culture and Structure Influence on Information Technology Governance”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Parisa for her achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.
Call for book chapters: “Information Technology Governance in Public Organizations – Theory and Practice”
Call for book chapters: “Information Technology Governance in Public Organizations – Theory and Practice”
Lazar Rusu, Stockholm University, Sweden
Gianluigi Viscusi, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
The book is scheduled to be published by Springer International Publishing AG, in Integrated Series in Information Systems. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit http://www.springer.com/series/6157. The publication is anticipated to be released in 2017.
The research in IT governance in public organizations has already captured the attention of researchers, policy makers and IT practitioners and different research studies have been reported in this topic both in developed and developing countries.
The researchers studying IT governance in public organizations have encountered different challenges that are mainly due to the differences between political, administrative, and practices in these organizations. Some of these challenges are related to governance processes and policy-making mechanisms change due to the application of ICT-enabled innovation. Moreover, the dilemma is actually related to governance and alignment issues between policy ICT-enabled initiatives and the diverse stakeholders they involve. Furthermore, public organizations are now very concern to make more steps towards digitalization and transform their services. Therefore this requires from organization’s management to focus on having effective IT governance in their organization that as result will enable IT alignment and will create business value from IT investments. For this purpose public organization’s management has given a special attention to IT Governance that has growth in importance.
The book’s primary contribution will be to highlight the actual trends and challenges in research in IT governance in public organizations with the aim to report innovative research and new insights in the theories, models and practices in this research topic.
Topics of interest:
In particular, contributions will mainly include but are not limited to the followings: IT governance structures, processes and relational mechanisms in public organizations; IT alignment in public organizations; digital governance in public organizations; critical success factors in IT governance implementation in public organizations; IT leadership in public organizations; ICT-enabled governance innovation in public organizations; theoretical models for studying IT governance and IT alignment in public organizations; and practices of IT governance implementation in public organizations.
Submission Procedure:
Full book chapters (15-20 pages) are expected by May 15, 2015. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. Submissions of the book chapters will be done through easy chair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=itgov2017
The manuscripts will be submitted in a word format and the contributors should follow the Springer guidelines for formatting the book chapters. More information about this issue you could find here:http://resource-cms.springer.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/990/data/v7/Manuscript+guidelines+for+English+books
Important Dates:
May 15, 2016 Full Chapter Submission
August 15, 2016 Review Results to Authors
September 15, 2016 Revised Chapter Submission
For any questions concerning the book please contact the editors:
Professor Lazar Rusu
Stockholm University
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV)
Borgarfjordsgatan 12, P.O. Box 7003, 164 07 Kista, Sweden
Email: lrusu@dsv.su.se
Dr. Gianluigi Viscusi
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
College of Management of Technology (CDM) – CSI
ODY 1 16 (Odyseea) Station 5, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Email: gianluigi.viscusi@epfl.ch
Visiting Researcher in IT Management group
Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan is a PhD student from Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland (http://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/). During the next five months (more exactly till June 30, 2016) Gideon will work as visiting researcher in IT Management group at DSV. Gideon’s research work will be in IT alignment with a focus on public organizations in a developing country. He will be located in the office spaces of IS unit. Gideon has a Master in Computer and Systems Sciences and a Master in Business Administration both from Stockholm University, Sweden.
Three accepted papers to WorldCist16′, Recife, Brazil
Three accepted papers to WorldCist16′ Recife, Brazil. One Norwegian point each!
WorldCist’16 – 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held at Recife, PE, Brazil, 22 – 24 March 2016.
— “A Business and IT Architecture Model Supporting Public Organizations Introducing Language Technologies”, Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Eriks Sneiders
— “Email Answering by Matching Question and Context-Specific Text Patterns: Performance and Error Analysis” Eriks Sneiders, Jonas Sjöbergh, Alyaa Alfalahi
— “Review of the Main Approaches to Automated Email Answering”, Eriks Sneiders
Aron Henriksson successfully defended his PhD thesis
Aron Henriksson successfully defended his dissertation with the title Ensembles of Semantic Spaces: On Combining Models of Distributional Semantics with Applications in Healthcare on the 17 th of December. Opponent was associate professor Nigel Collier from the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge.

The grading committee, associate professor Frank Miller, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University, associate professor Lilja Øvrelid, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, associate professor Richard Johansson, Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, and the opponent Nigel Collier and University of Cambridge, UK, Professor Theo Canter, DSV, Stockholm University also in the Grading committee not visible in photo.
AMIA 2015, 14-18 Nov 2015, San Francisco
The clinical text and data science research group at DSV had two paper presentations at the Annual Symposium AMIA 2015 in San Francisco, (AMIA, American Medical Informatics Association).
Jing Zhao presented her paper with title Handling Temporality of Clinical Events for Drug Safety Surveillance, co-authors was Aron Henriksson, Mia Kvist, Lars Asker and Henrik Boström. The paper was awarded one of the Distinguished Paper Awards!

Jing Zhao presenting
Rebecka Weegar presented her paper with title Finding Cervical Cancer Symptoms in Swedish Clinical Text using a Machine Learning Approach and NegEx, co-authors was Mia Kvist, Karin Sundström, Søren Brunak and Hercules Dalianis.
The conference had over 2,000 participants 1,250 submissions and 40 per cent acceptance rate. There is report (in Swedish) from the conference available on request from the author of this blog.
Aron Henriksson nailed his PhD Dissertation
Today Aron Henriksson nailed his PhD Dissertation with the title Ensembles of Semantic Spaces: On Combining Models of Distributional Semantics with Applications in Healthcare
Here you can read more about the dissertation defence on December 17th at 13.00