Congratulations to our two newly appointed associate professors Jelena Zdravkovic and Åsa Smedberg both at IS-enheten, well done!
News and Events
Congratulations to our two newly appointed associate professors Jelena Zdravkovic and Åsa Smedberg both at IS-enheten, well done!
Maria Skeppstedt and Aron Henriksson are currently visiting the Division of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) at the University of California, San Diego, which is located in the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). The visit will last for a month and is one of several exchanges between the Natural Language Processing (NLP) group at DBMI and the Clinical Text Mining Group at DSV that have been made possible through the Interlock project.
Last week we were invited together with Wendy Chapman to give a talk at a PACE (Predictive Analytics Center of Excellence) seminar at SDSC. Wendy first talked about NLP in general, while Maria and I talked about our respective research on NLP in the clinical domain.
Martin Hassel and Alyaa Alfalahi presenting the Stockholm EPR Open project at Vinnova. The prototype DrugView where one can see in-patient groups and their intake of at least two medical drugs.
The 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2012 took place in Bombay (Mumbai) India, December 9-14. It is the largest computational linguistics conference in the world. At the conference were 600 participants from 60 countries. 1600 papers were submitted to the conference and 400 were accepted, that gives an acceptance rate of 25 percent.
Claudia Ehrentraut my master student from Uppsala University presented our paper: Detection of Hospital Acquired Infections in sparse and noisy Swedish patient records. A machine learning approach using Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines and C4.5, that was written by Claudia Ehrentraut, Hideyuki Tanushi, Hercules Dalianis and Jörg Tiedemann at the workshop Sixth Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data, AND 2012 that was held in conjunction with the conference.
We have written a short report from the conference, if you would like to have it please contact me.
The paper ”Capability Driven Development – an Approach to Support Evolving Organizations” written by Janis Stirna, Janis Grabis, Martin Henkel and Jelena Zdravkovic has been awarded for being among the best papers in the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM) conference 2012. The paper describes how the concepts of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, capability context and capability delivery patterns can be used to integrate organizational capability development with IS development.
Rebecca Forsberg talked about artistic technologies and what that is. She told us that many universities in the world has their own theatre, now Stockholm University has it own theatre through Kista teater. Rebecca continued by saying that the audience at theaters are becoming older and older and for reaching young people one has to involve modern technology as mobile phones and GPS and have theatre plays on distance. Moreover has theatre productions become more and more sophisticated with a lot of simulations in computers. This is what DSV can contribute to for producers since we have experience in gaming and game theory that could be adapted to the theater world. The plays that has been set up at Kista teater is focused around women and techniques to be prototypes for young women as Antigones dagbok, Ada Lovelace and Lise and Otto. Where I think Lise och Otto is exciting story. It is played in two different separate scenes simultaneously.
On November 30, 2012 our colleague Mohamed El-Mekawy has defended successfully his Licentiate Thesis entitled: “From Societal to Organizational Culture: The Impact on Business-IT Alignment”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Mohamed for his achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.
Here is a call for papers to the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases ( Special issue on Business, Strategy & IT Alignment (Editors: Jerry Luftman, Lazar Rusu, & Martin Santana).
This special issue on IT business alignment cases will provide examples of successes and failures that demonstrate the importance of the IT business relationship. For this special issue, specific areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
We are targeting the special issue publication for December 2013. The time-line is:
For more information about this call for papers please have a look here: JIT Teaching Cases – Call for papers