Information Systems unit at DSV will been the host for three months (March-June, 2019) of Beatriz Gómez Suárez from University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Beatriz is a PhD student in the research group “Architecture and performance of computer and communication systems” at UIB. The purpose of Beatriz’s visit is to collaborate in research with IT Management and Governance group lead by Professor Lazar Rusu concerning IT governance and digital transformation.
Book accepted for publication in Springer, Conference paper published in Procedia Computer Science and Journal papers published in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance
A book written by Georg Hodosi and Lazar Rusu and entitled Risks, Relationships, and Success Factors in IT Outsourcing: A Study in Large Companies has been accepted for publication by Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-05924-8, 2019.
A paper written by Jiabao Wang and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “Factors Hindering Business-IT Alignment in Small and Medium Enterprises in China” has been published in Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 138, pp.425-432, Elsevier, 2018.
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan, Lazar Rusu, and Erik Perjons and entitled “Organizational Structure’s Influence on Business-IT Alignment: Looking Back to Look Forward” has been published in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 15-29, IGI Global, 2018.
A paper written by Klaus Egender, Georg Hodosi, and Lazar Rusu and entitled “How to Build Successful Cloud Computing Relationships” has been published in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp.1-14, IGI Global, 2018.
A paper written by Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan and Lazar Rusu and entitled “IT Governance in Public Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review” has been published in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp.30-52, IGI Global, 2018.
Andrea Andrenuccis Dissertation successfully defended on Oct 29, 2018
Apprenticeship Simulation presented at EDOC
Martin Henkel and Ilia Bider demonstrated the teaching concept of Apprenticeship Simulation at the EDOC conference in Stockholm. Apprenticeship Simulation makes use of multi-media sources to present realistic cases that the student can work with. The concept is specially designed for teaching subjects which include both tacit and explicit knowledge, such as Enterprise Modelling (EM). As a part of the demonstration, a Case-Based Immersive Learning Environment used for teaching at Stockholm University was shown.
Nailing of Andrea Andrenucci’s PhD thesis
The Seventh Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2018) at Frescati, 7-9 nov 2018
Dear all!
Don’t miss to register for The Seventh Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2018) at Frescati, 7-9 Nov 2018. Interesting talks as well as exciting panels in Clinical text mining and Fake news and troll detection with invited experts.
Parisa Aasi’s PhD defense
On June 4, 2018 our colleague Parisa Aasi, PhD student in IT Management and Governance group at DSV/Stockholm University has defended successfully her doctoral thesis entitled: “Information Technology Governance: The Role of Organizational Culture and Structure”. Her PhD thesis is available to be downloaded at the following link:
On behalf of research group in IT Management and Governance I would like to congratulate Parisa Aasi for this great achievement. Some pictures from this event are included below.
New book on participatory modeling
A new book on participatory enterprise modeling (EM) will come out later this summer.
This book is intended for anybody who wants to learn more about how to facilitate participatory modeling in practice and how to set up and carry out enterprise modeling projects. It does not require any in-depth knowledge about specific EM methods and tools, and can be used by students and lecturers for courses on participatory modeling, and by practitioners wanting to extend their knowledge of social and organizational topics to become an experienced facilitator and EM project manager.
J.Stirna, A.Persson: Enterprise Modeling: Facilitating the Process and the People, Springer, 2018, link