Välbesökt jubileumsseminarium om Artificiell intelligens för analys av
patientjournaler den 9 sept 2016, av professorerna Henrik Boström och Hercules Dalianis.
Över 40 deltagare från industri, sjukvård, forskning lyssnade och
ställde frågor som ledde till en spänstig dialog om framtidens
system för att hitta biverkningar av läkemedel och vårdskador, men också
system för att koda diagnoser rätt för att planera sjukvården på ett
bättre sätt. Efter seminariet dröjde sig många deltagare kvar för att
diskutera i små grupper.
Deep learning to predict healthcare-associated infections – Poster presentation in Berlin
Olof Jacobsson presented a poster co-written with Hercules Dalianis with the title Applying deep learning on electronic health records in Swedish to predict healthcare-associated infections, at 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, BioNLP 2016 that was held in conjunction with ACL 2016, in Berlin, Germany, August 12, 2016.
BioNLP had 30 accepted papers this year and an acceptance rate of 40 percent. There were around 90 participants at the workshop.
Rebecka Weegar that also participated at the workshop wrote jointly with Olof Jacobsson a short report on the best papers of the workshop. It is available on request.
The BioNLP 2016 proceedings can be found here.
Automatic mapping SNOMED to ICD-10
Petter Andersson and Amanda Sjöberg defended their master thesis with the title Generating and evaluating an automatic mapping between SNOMED-CT and the Swedish extension codes of ICD-10 based on lexical similarities, PDF, successfully on May 30, 2016!
Mohamed El-Mekawy’s PhD defense
On June 3, 2016 our colleague Mohamed El-Mekawy, PhD student in IT Management group at DSV/Stockholm University has defended successfully his doctoral thesis entitled: “From Theory to Practice of Business-IT Alignment: Barriers, an Evaluation Framework and Relationships with Organisational Culture”. His PhD thesis is available to be downloaded at the following link: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:920065/FULLTEXT01.pdf
On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Mohamed El-Mekawy for this great achievement. Some pictures from this event are included below.
Research visit of Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
During June 1st to June 3rd, 2016 the IT Management group at DSV has been the host of the visit of Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. The purpose of the visit has been to establish a research collaboration between the research group in IT Management at DSV and IT Management and Governance research group at the Business School at PUCRS.
Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano is leading the research group in IT Management and Governance at Business School at PUCRS that we noticed to have similar research interests with the research done by the IT Management group at DSV. For more information about Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano’s research please access the following links: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Edimara_Mezzomo_Luciano/ and http://lattes.cnpq.br/2607532326321244
On June 2nd, 2016 we had a seminar at DSV in which Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano has done a presentation concerning “Information Systems in Brazil and at PUCRS: current status and perspectives” . The seminar has also included discussions with the members of the research group in IT Management and a presentation of the recent research done in IT Management area at DSV.
The research visit has been a fruitful one and has opened different possibilities for establishing a research cooperation between DSV and Business School at PUCRS.
Presentation Pathology text mining – on Norwegian prostate cancer reports
The bachelor students Anders Dahl and Atilla Özkan presented a paper based on their bachelor thesis with the title Pathology text mining – on Norwegian prostate cancer reports jointly with their supervisor Hercules Dalianis, (before their bachelor thesis is defended), at the 1st Intl. Workshop on Health Data Management and Mining (HDMM) 2016, in conjunction with 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, May 16-20, 2016, Helsinki, Finland.
Some photos:
Mohamed El-Mekawy has nailed his PhD thesis in DSV library
Today, Mohamed El-Mekawy PhD student in IT Management group at DSV has nailed his PhD thesis in DSV library. The PhD thesis is entitled “From Theory to Practice of Business-IT Alignment: Barriers, an Evaluation Framework and Relationships with Organisational Culture”. A copy of his PhD thesis is available to be downloaded at the following link: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:920065/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Mohamed El-Mekawy’s PhD defence will take place on June 3, 2016 at 13.00 in L50 at DSV.
Visiting scholar at Baylor University, USA
In this month Parisa Aasi PhD student in IT management group at DSV has joined as visiting scholar the Information Systems Department at Baylor University (http://www.baylor.edu/business/mis/). During about 7 months she will perform her research work with Professor Dorothy Leidner a well-known researcher in information systems area.