On November 30, 2012 our colleague Mohamed El-Mekawy has defended successfully his Licentiate Thesis entitled: “From Societal to Organizational Culture: The Impact on Business-IT Alignment”. On behalf of research group in IT Management I would like to congratulate Mohamed for his achievement. Some pictures from the seminar and after the seminar are included below.
DSV sponsored the Global Forum 2012: Shaping a connected digital future
Call for papers to the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases: Special issue on Business, Strategy & IT Alignment
Here is a call for papers to the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jittc/index.html): Special issue on Business, Strategy & IT Alignment (Editors: Jerry Luftman, Lazar Rusu, & Martin Santana).
This special issue on IT business alignment cases will provide examples of successes and failures that demonstrate the importance of the IT business relationship. For this special issue, specific areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Best Practices in Business-IT Alignment
- Effective Communications
- Demonstrable Competency/Value Analytics
- Applicable Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Governance Processes
- Successful Partnerships
- Deployable Leading Edge IT Services; Scope & Architecture
- Successful Skills/HR Initiatives
- Exemplary IT Strategy Planning Activities
- Enablers and Inhibitors to Alignment
- Models for Managing Change
- Lessons in Organizational Design
- Strategic IT Initiatives (e.g., moves to digital business)
We are targeting the special issue publication for December 2013. The time-line is:
- Abstracts of case – March 1st 2013
- Full case and teaching note submitted – June 1st 2013
- Reviews returned – July 1st 2013
- Second submission – August 30th 2013
- Final Acceptance – September 30th 2013
For more information about this call for papers please have a look here: JIT Teaching Cases – Call for papers
Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, SLTC 2012
Hercules Dalianis, Martin Hassel, Aron Henriksson, Maria Skeppstedt and Sidrat ul Muntaha attended the Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference in Lund, October 25-26. Research in language technology, mainly on the Swedish language, was presented as oral presentations or as posters. There were a number of contributions about text simplification and text summarisation.
We presented two posters: “Entity Recognition of Pharmaceutical Drugs in Swedish Clinical Text”, which was the result of the one-year master student Sidrat’s master thesis (co-authors for the conference paper were Maria Skeppstedt, Maria Kvist and Hercules Dalianis), and “Stockholm EPR Corpus – A Clinical Database Used to Improve Health Care” by Hercules Dalianis, Martin Hassel, Aron Henriksson and Maria Skeppstedt.
To remember from the conference dinner was not only the good food, but also the entertainment, which consisted of two musicians taking us to different parts of the world with their music, as well as playing violin while simultaneously dancing Halling.
The next SLTC conference will be organised by Stockholm University.
25 Post doc positions at Stockholm University
25 Post doc positions at Stockholm University
Deadline December 17, 2012.
For some possible areas in Language Technology and Health Informatics
IS-Seminar: Service Science and Innovation Centre (SSI) presented their work
Andreas Nilsson and Elin Uppström presented the Service Science and Innovation Centre (SSI). One statement they have is that 70 percent of the GDP is within services, and that services wrongly is considered to be products. They continued by presenting some of their projects as well as some of their publications, specially the project App Market, where an Enterprise system vendor has created Apps of the business system so they easily can be adapted to the enterprise. This has completely changed the business model, one can read more here (in Swedish) .
Andreas and Elin also presented the project MUNZIAPP that is a M-(Mobile) government system for complaint- and problem management specially for municipalities where one can take a photo of something that is broken or need maintenance in the municipality and the send the report, photo and the GPS coordinates to the municipality for repair. The project in founded by Vinnova and Nordforsk with ten participating municipalities from Sweden, software vendors are Idega from Icelandand Mobisoft from Estonia.
Two posters at CLEF eHealth, Rome, 17-20 September 2012
Mattias Kanhov and Sumithra Velupillai attended and presented two posters at the CLEF eHealth workshop organized at the CLEF conference in Rome, 17 – 20 September 2012.
Mattias presented work about his and his fellow student Xuefeng Feng’s master theses, supervised by prof. Hercules Dalianis, in the poster Natural Language Generation from SNOMED Specifications. Sumithra presented results from the one-year master student Niklas Isenius work on abbreviation detection from Swedish clinical records, co-supervised with Dr. Maria Kvist, in the poster Initial Results in the Development of SCAN: a Swedish Clinical Abbreviation Normalizer.
The conference and workshop was very interesting and Mattias and Sumithra had the opportunity to meet prominent researchers in the area of eHealth and Information Access evaluation from perspectives of multilinguality, multimodality and visual analytics, in the beautiful city of Rome.
Final HEXAnord meeting Copenhagen 12-14 Sept 2012
Our Nordforsk funded researcher network HEXAnord had its final meeting in Copenhagen at Panum Institute where our host CBS (Center for Biological Sequence Analysis) that belongs partly to DTU and to University of Copenhagen partly is situated. 27 members of the network participated in the 7th HEXAnord meeting and we had two invited speakers; Konstantinos Pantazos from IT University of Copenhagen, that talked about visualization of lab-processes in a health care domain and Lars Juhl Jensen that talked about the Reflex Text mining tool for molecules in scientific journals. Moreover three of our hosts Peter Jensen, Lars Juhl Jensen and Søren Brunak had a review article in Nature (May 2012) with the title Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care. That shows the potential of our research area, therefore we were inspired to extend our network to an European COST-network that we are applying for now. We finalized our meeting with a visit at Copenhagen Tivoli.