Martin Hassel and Alyaa Alfalahi presenting the Stockholm EPR Open project at Vinnova. The prototype DrugView where one can see in-patient groups and their intake of at least two medical drugs.
Coling 2012, Bombay, India, 9-14 December
The 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2012 took place in Bombay (Mumbai) India, December 9-14. It is the largest computational linguistics conference in the world. At the conference were 600 participants from 60 countries. 1600 papers were submitted to the conference and 400 were accepted, that gives an acceptance rate of 25 percent.
Claudia Ehrentraut my master student from Uppsala University presented our paper: Detection of Hospital Acquired Infections in sparse and noisy Swedish patient records. A machine learning approach using Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines and C4.5, that was written by Claudia Ehrentraut, Hideyuki Tanushi, Hercules Dalianis and Jörg Tiedemann at the workshop Sixth Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data, AND 2012 that was held in conjunction with the conference.
We have written a short report from the conference, if you would like to have it please contact me.
IS-seminarie: Rebecka Forsberg talks about artistic technologies
Rebecca Forsberg talked about artistic technologies and what that is. She told us that many universities in the world has their own theatre, now Stockholm University has it own theatre through Kista teater. Rebecca continued by saying that the audience at theaters are becoming older and older and for reaching young people one has to involve modern technology as mobile phones and GPS and have theatre plays on distance. Moreover has theatre productions become more and more sophisticated with a lot of simulations in computers. This is what DSV can contribute to for producers since we have experience in gaming and game theory that could be adapted to the theater world. The plays that has been set up at Kista teater is focused around women and techniques to be prototypes for young women as Antigones dagbok, Ada Lovelace and Lise and Otto. Where I think Lise och Otto is exciting story. It is played in two different separate scenes simultaneously.
DSV sponsored the Global Forum 2012: Shaping a connected digital future
25 Post doc positions at Stockholm University
25 Post doc positions at Stockholm University
Deadline December 17, 2012.
For some possible areas in Language Technology and Health Informatics
IS-Seminar: Service Science and Innovation Centre (SSI) presented their work
Andreas Nilsson and Elin Uppström presented the Service Science and Innovation Centre (SSI). One statement they have is that 70 percent of the GDP is within services, and that services wrongly is considered to be products. They continued by presenting some of their projects as well as some of their publications, specially the project App Market, where an Enterprise system vendor has created Apps of the business system so they easily can be adapted to the enterprise. This has completely changed the business model, one can read more here (in Swedish) .
Andreas and Elin also presented the project MUNZIAPP that is a M-(Mobile) government system for complaint- and problem management specially for municipalities where one can take a photo of something that is broken or need maintenance in the municipality and the send the report, photo and the GPS coordinates to the municipality for repair. The project in founded by Vinnova and Nordforsk with ten participating municipalities from Sweden, software vendors are Idega from Icelandand Mobisoft from Estonia.
Final HEXAnord meeting Copenhagen 12-14 Sept 2012
Our Nordforsk funded researcher network HEXAnord had its final meeting in Copenhagen at Panum Institute where our host CBS (Center for Biological Sequence Analysis) that belongs partly to DTU and to University of Copenhagen partly is situated. 27 members of the network participated in the 7th HEXAnord meeting and we had two invited speakers; Konstantinos Pantazos from IT University of Copenhagen, that talked about visualization of lab-processes in a health care domain and Lars Juhl Jensen that talked about the Reflex Text mining tool for molecules in scientific journals. Moreover three of our hosts Peter Jensen, Lars Juhl Jensen and Søren Brunak had a review article in Nature (May 2012) with the title Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care. That shows the potential of our research area, therefore we were inspired to extend our network to an European COST-network that we are applying for now. We finalized our meeting with a visit at Copenhagen Tivoli.
Sumithra Velupillai defended her PhD-thesis successfully
Sumithra Velupillai defended her PhD-thesis with the title Shades of Certainty – Annotation and Classification of Swedish Medical Records, on April 27, 2012, with great success. The opponent was associate professor Sabine Bergler, from University of Concordia, Montreal, Canada.
Congratulations Dr. Velupillai!
Read more about Dr. Velupillais research in Swedish here.