On 23 February, I gave a presentation on Unified Service Theory and perspectives on services as part of a study circle on service systems. Unified Service Theory views services as a special kind of production process where the customer contributes with her resources. This approach contrasts to earlier attempts to distinguish service through special properties like intangibility and perishability. The seminar also discussed additional perspectives on services based on the idea that the notion of service is best explained by identifying and associating a number of related concepts, including service processes, service resources and service agreements.
Seminar with Göran Goldkuhl on Practice Research
On 18 February, Göran Goldkuhl gave a presentation on practice research. Göran discussed practice research from an ontological as well as epistemological perspective. The discussion was lively ranging from Activity Theory over KPIs to Habermas, with a memorable remark from Göran, “some critique of Habermas acknowledges that life is more than an academic seminar”. Gustaf Juell-Skielse and Erik Perjons also contributed with their experiences of practice research.
Open IS-seminar on IT Governance – February 2, 2011
For those interested in the presentation named “The effect of Critical Success Factors on IT governance performance in public sector organizations in a developing country” that took place on February 2, 2011 in the Open IS-seminar please access the following file: CSFs effect on IT Governance Performance – 2011-02-02
Open IS-seminar: Lazar Rusu and Edephonce Nfuka
First seminar in the Open IS-seminar series. Every first Wednesday in each month.
February 2, 2011 from 12-13.00 in sal 6405A, BYO (bring your own) sandwich or lunch.
Title: The effect of Critical Success Factors on IT governance performance
in public sector organizations in a developing country
Key word: IT Governance
By: Lazar Rusu and Edephonce Nfuka
Today in many public sector organizations, the use of IT has become ubiquitous in every facet of the organizations’ endeavours in supporting and evolving public services delivery. This ubiquitous use of technology have caused a critical dependency on IT, which in this environment involves a complex mix of political, organizational, technical and cultural concerns that call a specific focus on effective IT governance. Accordingly, the success factors for governance over these organizations IT resources must be entrenched and adhered to if they have to increase contribution of IT in achieving their objectives. Several researches have been done on such IT governance and necessary success factors in these organizations. Yet with no focus to such organizations in a developing country like Tanzania, which on one hand is characterized by IT resources, knowledge, and culture constraints and on other hand by the increase of IT investments and applications.
However, recently, based on IT governance focus areas and five organizations from this environment, an exploratory study to address such a gap has been pursued specifically on identifying Critical Success factors (CSFs) for effective IT governance. Although based on such a study it is reasonable to believe that these CSFs have effect to IT governance performance, this has not been confirmed. In this paper we have specifically addressed such a gap by hypothesizing that such correlated effect exists and we deductively examined it.
This was achieved based on a developed research model, survey research method, sample data from Tanzanian public sector organizations and a second generation structural equation modelling technique namely partial least squares (PLS). The result indicated significant moderate to high positive effects to IT governance. The CSF with most significant effect was “Involve and get support of senior management” and the least “Consolidate, standardize and manage IT infrastructure and application to optimize costs and information flow across the organization”. Finally a CSFs model for effective IT governance in this environment was also suggested. The findings provide more focus on CSFs that have a higher impact on IT governance performance in public sector organizations in a developing country and can improve available approaches.
Game seminar
Game research seminar – Anne Mette Thorhauge talks about The rules of the game – the rules of the player: The case of communication in computer games
Licentiate seminar Magnus Johansson
The presence and meaning of social norms and rules in
online games
Or the hybridization of the normative system…
Licentiate seminar Johan Eliasson
Interaction design for mobile learners Design guidelines for location-based and contextual learning supported by mobile devices
Respondent: Johan Eliasson
Opponent: professor Mikael Wiberg, Uppsala universitet
Examinator: professor Paul Johannesson, DSV
Huvudhandledare: professor Robert Ramberg, DSV
Seminar on BPM in crisis
Today, Ilia Bider from IbisSoft AB gave a seminar on the current state of BPM based on discussions at the BPM 2010 conference. Ilia outlined a number of trends, including the shift from an assembly line metaphor to that of a construction site. He also discussed the tension between agility and stability in BPM and called for a stronger theoretical foundation of BPM.