On Wednesday, May 4th 2011, the SYSLAB seminar series was held by Iyad
Zikra, entitled Analyzing the Integration between Requirements
and Models in Model Driven Development. Iyad presented a survey on the state of the art of the relationship between requirements and model driven development (MDD). Different approaches were identified, such as using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques or guidelines, for dealing with this gap. NLP in this context means to parse the requirements that are written in natural language and transform them to some model format. The overall goal with this work is understand and minimize the gap between requirements and MDD, where NLP techniques will be studied further. The survey will be published in EMMSAD 2011.
Deus/Diabolus Ex Machina? – Artificial Intelligence and Information Security Organization and Management
This is an open seminar and all are welcome!
Time: 19th May, 15:00-19:30
Place: DSV Forum, lecture hall A
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Automatisation (i.e. AI) can be used both to defend and to attack information systems and social networks. Students from the 2010/2011 Master Program in Information and Communication Systems Security (ICSS) will debate if an artificial intelligence system should be used for access control at a company. The union at the company is against using such a system and claims that workers have the right to know if they are talking to a human or a machine when they log on to an IT system.
Listen how future information security managers debate about potential cyber security problems of the 21st century.
Following the student debates at 17:15, Robert Hoffmann (DSV) will present current projects at the department that use artificial intelligence for teaching.
At 17:30 Markus Huber (former ICSS student, now working as a researcher at Secure Business Austria) will present his research on using AI techniques to trick and attack users on social networks, such as Facebook.
After the presentations the Swedish Association for Information Security (SAISec) will have a wine and cheese gathering to celebrate professor Louise Yngström’s more than 30 years of teaching holistic security at DSV.
15:00-17:00 | ICSS students debate on using an artificial intelligence (AI) system for access control in a company |
17:00-17:15 | Break |
17:15-17:30 | Using artificial intelligence to teach risk analysis (Robert Hoffmann, DSV) |
17:30-18:30 | Social network security and automated social engineering attacks (Markus Huber, Secure Business Austria) |
18:30-19:30 | Swedish Association for Information Security (SAISec) celebrates more than 30 years of security with professor Louise Yngström |
Ph.D. Funding from Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT)
In this year I have submitted an application for Ph.D. funding to Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT). The application has been successfully and in the next five years I will receive 1500000 SEK from MIT for financing together with our department a Ph.D. position in IT Management. For more information about Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT) please access the following link: http://www.forskarskolan-mit.nu/
Paper accepted to the 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME)
We’ve had a paper accepted to the 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME’11), which this year will be held in Bled, Slovenia (July 2-6). The paper is written by myself, Martin Hassel and Maria Kvist and is titled Diagnosis Code Assignment Support Using Random Indexing of Patient Records – A Qualitative Feasibility Study. We have explored the possibility of using statistical data on co-occurrences of words and assigned diagnosis codes (ICD-10) in coded patient records and applying these (word space) models as a means to provide computer-aided diagnostic coding support.
Paper accepted to the XXIII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2011)
The paper Factuality Levels of Diagnoses in Swedish Clinical Text which I’ve written together with Hercules Dalianis and Maria Kvist has been accepted to the XXIII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2011), which will be held in Oslo, Norway 28th–31st August 2011. The paper describes work on an annotation project where clinical diagnoses were annotated for factuality levels, for the purpose of building automated systems for enhanced future information access. The paper will be included in the MEDLINE indexed proceedings, published by IOS Press in Amsterdam.
Research proposal submitted to SSF encompassing 19 MSEK
Professor Henrik Boström and associate professor Lars Asker from System Analysis and associate professor Hercules Dalianis from IT for Health submitted a research proposal with the title High-Performance Data Mining for Drug Effect Detection to SSF (Strategiska stiftelsen) encompassing 19 MSEK and 5 years. University of Borås is co-applicant. Stakeholders are Astra Zeneca, Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, TakeCare – Compugroup Medical as well as Hjärt- och Lungsjukas Riksförbund. The aim of the project is to detect adverse drug reactions based on models and data repositories within the pharmaceutical industry but also on “real” data such as electronic patient records and registries of prescribed drugs, and in the form of globally collected individual case safety reports. The detection will be carried using various data and text mining methods implemented in a parallel computing system for fast and efficient processing. The outcome of the project will be faster drug development, less adverse drug reactions and better treatment of patients.
Papers accepted for publication in the proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), Detroit, USA, 4-7 August, 2011
The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011) that in this year will be held in Detroit, USA from 4-7 August, 2011 (http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/) is a top ranked conference in Information Systems area according to The Australian Government’s Excellence in Research project (ERA): http://lamp.infosys.deakin.edu.au/era/?page=cfordet10&selfor=0806
In this year three papers written by the members of IT Management group were accepted for publication (two as papers and one as poster) in the proceedings of AMCIS 2011. The authors of the papers, the title and the abstract are included below.
The first paper is written by Edephonce Nfuka and Lazar Rusu, and is entitled: “Critical Success Factors Framework for Implementing Effective IT Governance in Public Sector Organizations in a Developing Country”.
Several frameworks for IT governance exist with various approaches like for example COBIT or ITIL. However neither of these frameworks has looked on implementing an effective IT governance from the point of view of Critical Success Factors (CSFs). Therefore in this paper, we have specifically addressed this gap by developing a framework of CSFs for implementing effective IT governance (CEITG) in public sector organizations in a developing country like Tanzania. This was achieved using four previous studies in this environment as a basis, together with interviews with 43 IT and business people from 25 public sector organizations, 6 industry/academic experts and finally through a case study in an organization in this environment during CEITG development and evaluation. The results of this research is a high level and holistic view framework based on CSFs and the activities in each IT governance focus area that should be considered by IT and business management personnel in the process of implementing effective IT governance in public sector organizations in Tanzania.
The second paper is written by Anayanci Lopez, Lazar Rusu and Paul Johannesson, and is entitled ”Construction of a Maturity Model for Analyzing Strategic IT Service Management”.
The paper presents the construction of a maturity model for analyzing the strategic IT service management (ITSM) process of internal IT service provider’s in early growth stages. This model is presented as an alternative tool for improving the understanding, from an IT service management perspective, of: (i) the strategic IT processes/practices in an IT organization, and (ii) facilitates the improvement task of such IT organization. The model construction is done by using a combination of best practices of IT service management and IT governance together with characteristics specific to the object under analysis, e.g. internal IT service providers, municipal governments standards. The model uses a wider scope for strategic ITSM which facilitates its applicability in IT organizations in early growth stages, giving a practical value to the model. Furthermore this model is designed to be used independently or as a complementary component of a method for analyzing IT service strategy presented in a previous study.
The third paper is written by Georg Hodosi and Lazar Rusu, and is entitled “A Risk Based View of Influential Factors in IT Outsourcing Relationship for Large Swedish Companies”.
Today IT Outsourcing (ITO) is well spread among the large Swedish companies and this trend will continue in the near years. Our focus in this research is a service buyer company who needs a well working relation with its ITO supplier for fixing: emergent issues, daily operation and changes that have not been foreseen. In the last years, an increasing attention has been paid to improving ITO relationship. In the review of the research literature we have not found any studies about Influential Factors (IFs) that could improve ITO relationship in large Swedish companies, nor about how risks factors are interrelated to the ITO relationship. Therefore this research has addressed this problem by providing the IFs that could improve ITO relationship in large Swedish companies and could help the service buyers companies’ to focus on these IFs. Additionally, we have developed a framework that could support the ITO decision makers in both mitigating the risks and the improvement of the ITO relationship.
EnRiMa Workshop held in Stockholm
The EnRiMa FP7 project held a two-day workshop at DSV April 11-12. Project partners from Austria, Norway, Spain and Great Britain discussed the upcoming decision support system that will support minimizing the energy consumption of public buildings. The project is now at a stage where more detailed requirements for the system will be described. Present from DSV were Janis Stirna, Martin Henkel, Naghmeh Aghaee, Peter Majlender and Rodolfo Candia.
For more information on the EnRiMa project, go to http://www.enrima-project.eu/