Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan is a PhD student from Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland ( During the next five months (more exactly till June 30, 2016) Gideon will work as visiting researcher in IT Management group at DSV. Gideon’s research work will be in IT alignment with a focus on public organizations in a developing country. He will be located in the office spaces of IS unit. Gideon has a Master in Computer and Systems Sciences and a Master in Business Administration both from Stockholm University, Sweden.
Three accepted papers to WorldCist16′, Recife, Brazil
Three accepted papers to WorldCist16′ Recife, Brazil. One Norwegian point each!
WorldCist’16 – 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held at Recife, PE, Brazil, 22 – 24 March 2016.
— “A Business and IT Architecture Model Supporting Public Organizations Introducing Language Technologies”, Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Eriks Sneiders
— “Email Answering by Matching Question and Context-Specific Text Patterns: Performance and Error Analysis” Eriks Sneiders, Jonas Sjöbergh, Alyaa Alfalahi
— “Review of the Main Approaches to Automated Email Answering”, Eriks Sneiders
Aron Henriksson successfully defended his PhD thesis
Aron Henriksson successfully defended his dissertation with the title Ensembles of Semantic Spaces: On Combining Models of Distributional Semantics with Applications in Healthcare on the 17 th of December. Opponent was associate professor Nigel Collier from the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge.

The grading committee, associate professor Frank Miller, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University, associate professor Lilja Øvrelid, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, associate professor Richard Johansson, Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, and the opponent Nigel Collier and University of Cambridge, UK, Professor Theo Canter, DSV, Stockholm University also in the Grading committee not visible in photo.
AMIA 2015, 14-18 Nov 2015, San Francisco
The clinical text and data science research group at DSV had two paper presentations at the Annual Symposium AMIA 2015 in San Francisco, (AMIA, American Medical Informatics Association).
Jing Zhao presented her paper with title Handling Temporality of Clinical Events for Drug Safety Surveillance, co-authors was Aron Henriksson, Mia Kvist, Lars Asker and Henrik Boström. The paper was awarded one of the Distinguished Paper Awards!

Jing Zhao presenting
Rebecka Weegar presented her paper with title Finding Cervical Cancer Symptoms in Swedish Clinical Text using a Machine Learning Approach and NegEx, co-authors was Mia Kvist, Karin Sundström, Søren Brunak and Hercules Dalianis.
The conference had over 2,000 participants 1,250 submissions and 40 per cent acceptance rate. There is report (in Swedish) from the conference available on request from the author of this blog.
Aron Henriksson nailed his PhD Dissertation
Today Aron Henriksson nailed his PhD Dissertation with the title Ensembles of Semantic Spaces: On Combining Models of Distributional Semantics with Applications in Healthcare
Here you can read more about the dissertation defence on December 17th at 13.00
PhD training school in De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content
I participated as a lecturer at the EU-COST funded PhD training school in De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content, in Limassol Cyprus, in the beginning of October 2015.
De-identification for pricacy protection of multimedia content as speech, text, images, data is a new research area with the growing amount of available streaming data for research. The main research question is how to use data that contain individuals without revealing the identity of the person. One can blur faces in an movie but still the motion pattern of the person can be identified. One can also blur voices, but the way an individual expresses himself can reveal the person. There are several challenges around the privacy protection that has to be solved.
The training school had participants from the whole Europe and the USA, from the areas of image and movie processing, speech and text processing but also law.
EU will have several calls for research projects in this area next year
Louhi 2015 in Lisbon
DSV was well represented at the 6th edition of Louhi, the International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, which was co-located with the EMNLP conference (Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) in Lisbon, Portugal. Four papers by DSV were presented at the workshop: “Adverse Drug Event classification of health records using dictionary based pre-processing and machine learning” by Stefanie Friedrich and Hercules Dalianis; “Creating a rule based system for text mining of Norwegian breast cancer pathology reports” by Rebecka Weegar and Hercules Dalianis; “Representing Clinical Notes for Adverse Drug Event Detection” by Aron Henriksson; and “Expanding a dictionary of marker words for uncertainty and negation using distributional semantics” by Alyaa Alfalahi, Maria Skeppstedt, Rickard Ahlbom, Roza Baskalayci, Aron Henriksson, Lars Asker, Carita Paradis and Andreas Kerren.
Some photos from the conference are shown below.
- Conference Venue
- Stefanie Presenting
- Aron Presenting
- Rebecka Presenting
- Maria Presenting
- Conference Dinner
Promovering och utdelande av pris i vackra folkdräkter
Docent Sirkku Männikkö Barbuti och dr. Maria Skeppstedt blev hyllade på Stockholms universitets Installations- och promoveringshögtid i Stockholms Stadshus fredagen den 25 september 2015.
Docent Sirkku Männikkö Barbutiu fick pris som årets lärare 2015 och dr. Maria Skeppstedt blev promoverad och fick en lagerkrans.
Sirkku i folkdräkt från Karelen och Maria i folkdräkt från Vingåker, Södermanland, (foto Mia Kvist)
Stort Grattis!