Report from the LREC conference in Malta the 19th to 21st of May
Hercules Dalianis, Sumithra Velupillai and me (Elin Carlsson) participated in the the seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) that was held in Valletta, Malta 19-21 May 2010. The conference had approximately 1200 participants and about 600 out of 900 submissions were accepted.
We presented three different posters: Creating a Reusable English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Bilingual Dictionary Construction; How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations; and Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records Written in Swedish. I attach our report from the conference (written in Swedish): LREC2010_notes_and_reflections.pdf
Sumithra and Hercules present their poster: How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations
Elin and Hercules present their poster: Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records
Written in Swedish.
Hercules and Elin after the poster session.
A Presentation on Social Media
Last week I gave an invited presentation on social media at KTH X, which is the alumni association at KTH. The presentation covered the basics of social media and raised questions about the use of social media in work, the future of personal integrity, the emerging topology of Internet and many other issues. About 40 people had come to listen and particpate in the discussion.
Seminar on Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture
Jens Ohlsson from IDS Scheer gave a lunch seminar on Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture. Jens discussed the differences between an industrial and an academic view on these topics. He also presented the view of IDS Scheer on the future development in these areas. Thanks Jens for a nice presentation and a lively discussion!
Ambjörn Naeve on Provocative Modelling
Ambjörn Naeve held a seminar on Provocative Modelling on 12 February. Ambjörn is presently a guest lecturer at DSV. Here follows Ambjörn’s summary and documentation of the seminar.
Provocative Modeling is a term that I came up with a while ago to describe models that provoke “engagement by disagreement” by exposing controversial ideas, beliefs and assumptions – often called prejudice. Since we can process only up to about 30 bits per second in our conscious mind, while we are at the same time receiving about 3 million bits per second through our senses, this information needs to be compressed about 100.000 times before we can deal with it on the conscious level. Hence, without pre-judging there can be no effective judging, and therefore it is not an option to be without prejudice. The question is only which prejudices you have. Also, by exposing your underlying beliefs and assumptions related to an issue, they become visible and therefore amenable to change. This is what Peter Senge calls Mental Modeling (, which is one of the five disciplines of organizational learning ( my talk I will display (what I think is) some of my more “provocative models” on terrorism, religion, gender, education, economics, and promotion strategies within a large organization. These models have been developed in our modeling tool Conzilla ( and the links to the presented models will be made available for the participants.
Some slides on Disagreement Management:
Ambjorn on Disagreement Management (Innsbruck, Febr 2009), Slideshare:
In order to navigate the Conzilla-URLs below, you must first download Conzilla. Point your web browser to and click ’Download’ (to the left) and then ’Launch’ (under Conzilla 2.2 at the top of the page).
Below are the Conzilla-URLs for the maps that I discussed during my talk – and for some other ones that are related. Remember that these “Conzilla-URLs” have to be copied and pasted into the Conzilla address window (called Context-Map URI). To learn how to navigate Conzilla maps, go to
Here are the Conzilla-URLs for:
the models that I discussed in my talk:
Terrorism (Dialogue map – Compendium-style):
Religious Interoperability (ULM style):
Discriminator questions (Decision tree style):
Large Bureaucracies (Systems modeling style):
Penetrating the Glass Ceiling (Systems modeling style):
Militarism-Terrorism (Peter Senge, The 5th Discipline) (mixture of ULM + Systems modeling styles):
Shifting the Burden (The 5th Discipline , Systems modeling style):
Workload-Stress-Alcohol (Peter Senge, The 5th Discipline) (Systems modeling style):
Gender modeling (ULM + mathematical style):
The Financial Crisis (Systems modeling style):
models that are related – but were not discussed in my talk:
Knowledge Emulation (ULM style):
Globalization (ULM style):
Global Climate Change (Peter Senge) (Systems modeling style):
The Stock Market (ULM style):
Soros’ Boom-Bust model (Special style):
Political power systems – the Cracy Ontology (ULM style):
Ideologies (Timeline style):
Selfish and Unselfish Knowledge (ULM style):
Swedish Asylum Policy (Process modeling style):
Corporate Greed (Systems modeling style):
Aiding Africa – corruption of foreign aid (Systems modeling style):
Advertise-Consume (ULM style):
Mass(age) media (ULM style):
Automatization by Computers (ULM style):
Automatization and LifeLong Learning (ULM style):
Problem – Solution (Systems modeling style):
Problem – Solution applied to crime (Systems modeling style)::
Problem – Solution applied to early mathematics education (Systems modeling style):
Problem – Solution applied to academic mathematics education (Systems modeling style):
Best Paper Award at ER’09 for Paper on Anchor Modelling
We got the best paper award at The 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’09)! Lars Rönnbäck who presented the paper is shown above receiving the award.
Anchor Modeling – An Agile Modeling Technique using the Sixth Normal Form for Structurally and Temporally Evolving Data
By: Olle Regardt, Lars Rönnbäck, Maria Bergholtz, Paul Johannesson, Petia Wohed (Affecto and DSV, SU/KTH, Sweden)
Seminar on Value Encounters by Hans Weigand
This week Hans Weigand and his PhD student Jeewani Jayasinghe from Tilburg University visited us for doing research on value based service modeling. We discussed the relationships between web services and “real” services and how conflicts can be detected when combining services. Hans also gave a presentation on value encounters as a means for capturing the logic of co-creation of value.
Anchor Modeling
Lars Rönnbäck, Olle Regardt, Maria, Petia, and I have written a paper on a novel approach to database modeling, called anchor modeling. Lars and Olle, who work at Affecto, have developed this approach for some years now and they have applied it in several industrial projects. In the paper, we formalised, assessed, and evaluated anchor modeling. The paper was accepted at ER 2009.
Maintaining and evolving data warehouses is a complex, error prone, and time consuming activity. The main reason for this state of affairs is that the environment of a data warehouse is in constant change, while the warehouse itself needs to provide a stable and consistent interface to information spanning extended periods of time. In this paper, we propose a modeling technique for data warehousing, called anchor modeling, that offers non-destructive extensibility mechanisms, thereby enabling robust and flexible management of changes in source systems. A key benefit of anchor modeling is that changes in a data warehouse environment only require extensions, not modifications, to the data warehouse. This ensures that existing data warehouse applications will remain unaffected by the evolution of the data warehouse, i.e. existing views and functions will not have to be modified as a result of changes in the warehouse model.