The application submitted in this year to Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT) for Ph.D. funding for research in IT management at DSV/Stockholm University has been successfully. In the next five years DSV will receive 1.750.000 SEK from MIT for co-financing a Ph.D. position in IT management. For more information about Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT) please access the following link:
PhD position in IT Management at Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University
A PhD position in IT Management is now open at Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University. More information about this PhD position are available at this link:
The deadline to submit the application for this PhD position is May 5, 2017!
Research visit at University of Vienna
Researchers of IS Unit visited OMiLAB – research group of Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis at Institute Computer Science and Business Informatics, at the University of Vienna, Austria and BOC AG. Discussions on using ADOxx tool for 4EM, Capability Driven Development, and future of modeling.
Paper on Enterprise Architecture for Public Organizations published in International Journal of Information Management
In the paper, a generic architecture of how public organization handles cases is presented, along with a generic IT architecture. The architecture is based on a set of projects held together with Swedish public organizations.
Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Eriks Sneiders (2017) Examining the potential of language technologies in public organizations by means of a business and IT architecture model, International Journal of Information Management, Vol 37, Iss 1, pp 1507–1516.
14th Annual Workshop of The Australasian Language Technology Association – ALTA
Rebecka and Hercules participated in this years edition of ALTA at Monash University in Melbourne on the 5th to the 7th of December 2016. Rebecka gave a presentation on text mining of pathology reports and Hercules gave an invited talk with the title HEALTH BANK: A Workbench for Data Science Applications in Healthcare. ALTA included presentations, tutorials and a poster session. A short report summarizing selected papers is available on request.
Following the conference, we travelled to Brisbane for a visit at the CSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre (AeHRC). There we met with Dr Anthony Nguyen who is the leader for the Health Data Semantics group. The meeting included discussions on some of the very interesting reserach performed by the group and a talk by Hercules on Detect HAI – Healthcare associated infection detection.
SLTC 2016
Last week I went to Umeå to take part in the Swedish Language Technology Conference, SLTC 2016.
I presented a poster with the title: A Sentiment model for Swedish with automatically created training data and handlers for language specific traits, based on the master thesis by Michelle Ludovici. She has created a model for Swedish sentiment analysis and applied the model to news texts.
The next SLTC will be held in Stockholm in 2018 and it will be organized by the linguistics department at Stockholm University and DSV.
Sabbatical stay at CSIRO and Macquarie University, Sydney Australia
Now I am here at my nine months sabbatical stay at CSIRO and Macquarie University in the Sydney suburb North Ryde. I have a office at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). CSIRO has many locations in Australia and over 5,000 employees. Macquarie university has 40,000 students and and 3,000 employees, half are academic and half are administrative. On Monday Nov 14, I gave a talk at the Department of Computing at Macquarie University with the title HEALTH BANK – A Workbench for Data Science Applications in Healthcare. My hosts are Dr Cecile Paris at CSIRO and Dr Diego Molla at Macquarie University. The sabbatical stay is funded by RJ, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Papers published and accepted for publication in Information Resources Management Journal, Procedia Computer Science, and International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance
A paper written by Mousumi Kabir and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “IT Project Development using Capability Maturity Model” has been published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 35-48, 2016
A paper written by Labidi Pascal David Gbangou and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “Factors Hindering Business-IT Alignment in the Banking Sector of a Developing Country” has been published in Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 100, pp.280-288, 2016.
A paper written by Ilkka Ritola, Rokas Siugzda and Lazar Rusu and entitled: “The Influence of Organizational Politics on Business-IT Alignment ” has been accepted for publication in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2016.