Theodora Zarmpou, a prior EMIS student (2006-2008), got accepted to present a scientific paper, initially done as her Master Thesis in DSV, at the 4th The Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS 2009. The thesis work ended up in a publication with the title: Data migration between web content management systems, conducted in cooperation with associate professor Hercules Dalianis and Professor Maro Vlachopoulou (University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece).
Two papers accepted at RANLP 2009
Today I recieved notification that two papers where I am one of the authors have been accepted as posters at the international conference RANLP 2009 – Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, which is in Borovets, Bulgaria in September 14-16.
Apart from being an exceptionally pleasant conference, RANLP is ranked among the most influential NLP conferences by the site Computer Science Conference Ranking. According to this list it is one of the top 67 conferences among 701 considered in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,Robotics and Human Computer Interaction.
The two accepted papers are:
Identification of Parallel Text Pairs Using Fingerprints by Martin Hassel and Hercules Dalianis.
Global Evaluation of Random Indexing through Swedish Word Clustering Compared to the People’s Dictionary of Synonyms by Magnus Rosell, Martin Hassel and Viggo Kann.
Dr. Magnus Rosell and Professor Viggo Kann both reside at the School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology.
Paper accepted to ACL-IJCNLP 2009, 2-7 August 2009, Singapore
The paper Automatic training of lemmatization rules that handle morphological changes in pre-, in- and suffixes alike written by Bart Jongejan, CST University of Copenhagen and Hercules Dalianis was accepted to ACL-IJCNLP 2009,Singapore. Out of 571 valid submissions only 121 were accepted, which gives an acceptance rate of 21%.
Cross language search article accepted to NODALIDA 2009, May 15-16 Odense, Denmark
The article with the title Using Uplug and SiteSeeker to construct a cross language search engine for Scandinavian has been accepted for presentation at the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2009) 15-16 maj, Odense, Denmark. The authors are Hercules Dalianis, Martin Rimka and Viggo Kann from CSC/KTH.
The paper will be posted when camera-ready.
Understanding Services through Value Modelling
At the VMBO workshop, February 9 – 10 2009 in Stockholm, I gave a presentation on the use of value modeling for representing and understanding services.
Service-oriented architectures are the upcoming business standard for realizing
enterprise information systems, thus creating a need for analysis and design
methods that are truly service-oriented. Most research on this topic so far takes
a software engineering perspective. For a proper alignment between business
and IT, a service perspective at the business level is needed as well. In this
paper, a unified view of services is introduced by means of a service ontology,
service classification and service layer architecture.
Aspects of a REA Ontology Based Business Service Concept in Value Models
authored by
Hans Weigand, Paul Johannesson, Birger Andersson, Maria Bergholtz
Book Chapter in the HANDBOOK ON BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS by World Scientific Publishing
A book chapter “Modeling and Managing Business Processes” will appear in the HANDBOOK ON BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS to be published by World Scientific Publishing. The chapter is a joint effort ofMohammad El-mekawy, Khurram Shahzad, Nabeel Ahmed. The book is edited by:
Angappa Gunasekaran (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Maqsood Sandhu (University of Oulu, Finland)
For more information visit:
Nodalida May 25-26, 2007, Tartu, Estonia.
Konstantinos Charitakis presented his EMIS master thesis in form of a scientific paper with the title “Using Parallel Corpora to Create a Greek-English Dictionary with UPLUG” at Nodalida 2007, the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, at University of Tartu, Estonia. Sumithra and Hercules joined him. Martin Hassel, CSC-KTH that soon will join our department presented also two papers “Widening the HolSum Search Scope” co-author Jonas Sjöbergh and “Linguistically Fuelled Text Similarity” co-author Björn Andrist, see also photos.
Paper by EMIS-student accepted to Nodalida 2007, Tartu, Estonia!
Konstantinos Charitakis that just finalized his EMIS-master and rewrote his master thesis to a paper submission with the title: Using a parallel corpora to create a Greek-English dictionary with UPLUG, submitted it to Nodalida 2007 and got accepted. We congratulate Konstantinos!
Abstract This paper presents the construction of a Greek-English bilingual dictionary from parallel corpora that were created manually by collected documents retrieved from the Internet. The parallel corpora processing was performed by the Uplug word alignment system without the use of language specific information. A sample was extracted from the population of suggested translations and was included in questionnaires that were sent out to Greek-English speakers who evaluated the sample based on the quality of the translation pairs. For the suggested translation pairs of the sample belonging to the stratum with the higher frequency of occurrence, 67.11% correct translations were achieved. With an overall 50.63% of correct translations of the sample, the results were promising considering the minimal optimisation of the corpus and the differences between the two languages.