On Wednesday I presented the paper “E-Service requirements from a consumer-process perspective” on the 17th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2011). This year REFSQ was held in Essen, Germany. The presented paper, written together with Erik Perjons, describes an approach for e-service problem and solution discovery based on the analysis of the service consumers business processes. The paper was written as a part of the SamMET research project. Read more about the SamMET project at dsv.su.se/sammet
Paper accepted in EMMSAD 2011 Conference
A paper titled “Analyzing the Integration between Requirements and Models in Model Driven Development” has been accepted for the EMMSAD 2011 Conference (http://www.emmsad.org/), which is held in conjunction with CAiSE 2011 in London, UK.
Authors: Iyad Zikra, Janis Stirna, Jelena Zdravkovic
Abstract: In Model Driven Development (MDD), models replace software code as the development artifact. At the same time, requirements represent the information that is elaborated in models. However, despite the tight relationship between models and requirements, only a few MDD approaches provide the necessary methodological guidelines and tool support to explicitly facilitate this relationship. In this paper, we analyze existing approaches for integrating requirements with models within MDD. Based on the analysis, we elicit a set of general properties that need to be fulfilled when considering the integration of requirements and models, and we assess the contribution of the considered approaches accordingly.
Papers accepted for publication in the proceedings of Conf-IRM2011 and WSKS 2011 conferences
Three papers written by the members of IT Management group were accepted for publication in the proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM2011), Seoul, South Korea (http://conf-irm2011.org) and in the proceedings of the 4th World Summit on Knowledge Society (WSKS 2011), Mykonos, Greece (http://www.wsks.org/).
The first paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Conf-IRM2011(published in AIS e-library) is having as authors: Johnny Flores Delgadillo, Lazar Rusu and Paul Johannesson and is named “A Maturity Model of IT Service Delivery”. The paper is proposing a maturity model that is oriented to formalize and assess the maturity levels of IT service delivery. The maturity model is supported by IT service delivery elements that are considered significant for managing IT service delivery in the Nicaraguan Internet Service Providers sector, by IT service concepts and maturity model properties complemented by the IT Service Capability Maturity Model.
The second paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Conf-IRM2011 (published in AIS e-library) is having as authors Anayanci Lopez Poveda, Lazar Rusu and Paul Johannesson and is named “Improving a Method for Analysing Information Technology Service Strategy in Governmental Organisations in Nicaragua: Ex-post Analysis”. The paper is presented the improvement of a method for analyzing IT service strategy from the perspective of the implementer and designer after the use of the method in the context of Governmental Organisations in Nicaragua.
The third paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of WSKS 2011 (published in Springer series in Communications in Computer and Information Science) is having as authors Hari Nugroho, Gamaludin Al Afghani, Georg Hodosi and Lazar Rusu and is named “Key Factors in Managing IT Outsourcing Relationships”. The paper is presented an analysis of the key factors in managing IT outsourcing relationships that were elicited from the IT outsourcing relationships research and which were applied in the case of three organizations in Sweden.
IMAIL paper at CICLing 2011, Tokyo, February 21
Our paper from the IMAIL-project with the title Comparing Manual Text Patterns and Machine Learning for Classification of E-Mails for Automatic Answering by a Government Agency by H. Dalianis, J. Sjöbergh and E. Sneiders, were presented at CICLing 2011, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, February 20-26, Tokyo, Japan, by Jonas Sjöbergh who participates in the IMAIL project from KTH. The proceedings were printed in Springer Verlag.
The paper shows that a manual approach to create rules for answering e-mails (in Swedish) is more accurate than using a machine learning approach, though a machine learning approach gives higher recall.
CICLing had around 100 participants below a couple of photos.
A Working Visit to University of Namur
Jelena and Constantinos have spent this week at University of Namur in Belgium.
Togheter with prof. Michael Petit we have been working on modeling Business Strategy in the scope of Requirements Engineering. The outcome will be the submission of several research papers.
A Service related visit
Syslab had once again the pleasure to welcome Hans Weigand and Jeewanie Jayasinghe Arachchige from Tilburg University for a short visit.
The main purpose was to work on a particular kind of service which we tentatively call management service. A mangement service is a service that, in some sense, govern some other service. This work is well in line with previous work in the area of Service science that we have done together.
UPDATE: the work resulted in a paper that was accepted for presentation at the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’11)
Accepted paper "Multiple Help Online: An Integrated E-Health System for Stress Management"
Hélène Sandmark at the School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University, and I have got a conference paper accepted at IADIS e-Health 2010. The conference is to be held in Freiburg, Germany, in late July. The paper is entitled “Multiple Help Online: An Integrated E-Health System for Stress Management”. Please see the paper abstract below.
working life of today, people experience high levels of stress and often react
strongly to different stressors. If one is exposed to high stress levels for a
long time, this may eventually lead to sickness and absence from work. Web
based systems are available today for people who suffer from stress. However,
these web based systems need to be further explored in order to meet different
‘on demand needs’ of people in stress. In order to offer people in stress a
broad palette of help and support, different forms of online help from both
health experts, peers and published material and exercise programs need to be
well integrated in the web based system. A system that offers multiple help online
can also let the users experience complemented advice and ideas regarding their
stress concerns. The web based stress management system proposed in this paper
outlines a combination of online interactions between health experts and people
in stress, community conversations among peers and published information and
exercises. The paper also introduces a set of design principles to be used to
guide the development of integrated online help for stress management.
Report from the LREC conference in Malta the 19th to 21st of May
Hercules Dalianis, Sumithra Velupillai and me (Elin Carlsson) participated in the the seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) that was held in Valletta, Malta 19-21 May 2010. The conference had approximately 1200 participants and about 600 out of 900 submissions were accepted.
We presented three different posters: Creating a Reusable English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Bilingual Dictionary Construction; How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations; and Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records Written in Swedish. I attach our report from the conference (written in Swedish): LREC2010_notes_and_reflections.pdf
Sumithra and Hercules present their poster: How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations
Elin and Hercules present their poster: Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records
Written in Swedish.
Hercules and Elin after the poster session.