Rebecka Weegar defended today January 27, 2020, successfully her PhD thesis , with the title Mining Clinical Text in Cancer Care. Opponent were Associate professor Lilja Øvrelid at Department of Informatics University of Oslo.
Nailing of Rebecka Weegar’s thesis
Jury member of the PhD defence of Tim Huygh at University of Antwerp, Belgium
On December 5, 2019 I have been a jury member in the PhD defence of Tim Huygh at University of Antwerp, Belgium. His PhD thesis is entitled “Understanding IT Governance: Conceptualization and Enabling IT Business Value”. The abstract of this PhD thesis is included below together with a picture after this PhD defence with Tim Huygh, Steven De Haes (as Tim Huygh’s PhD supervisor) and the jury members.
Understanding IT Governance: Conceptualization and Enabling IT Business Value
Date: 5 December 2019
Venue: Master Aula André Leysen 001.B – Antwerp Management School, Boogkeers 5 – 2000 Antwerp
Time: 4:00 PM
PhD candidate: Tim Huygh
Principal investigator: Prof Steven De Haes
Short description: PhD defence Tim Huygh – Faculty of Business and Economics
An increasing (operational and strategic) dependence on IT for organizations results in a growing need for effective IT governance. Effective IT governance effectuates appropriate control over an organization’s current and future IT use, as to enable the creation and protection of IT business value. However, the research domain of IT governance is somewhat hampered by a lack of theoretical underpinnings for IT governance, which makes it difficult to explain from a theoretical perspective how effective IT governance should be organized and why.
In response, this PhD thesis investigates the concept of IT governance through Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM). In that context, the research that was conducted serves multiple purposes. First, an organizing logic for IT governance is articulated that is grounded in the VSM and informed by extant IT governance research. Second, extending the discussion beyond the conceptual level, two in-depth case studies are presented that demonstrate how the VSM can be used as a lens for describing and diagnosing IT governance in practice. Third and finally, four empirical IT governance-related research studies are presented that are inspired by the VSM-based organizing logic for IT governance, which demonstrates that this logic can provide structure and theoretical underpinnings to IT governance-related empirical research.
For academics, this thesis contributes to the theoretical discourse on IT governance. It answers the question why IT governance can continue to fulfil its general purpose of creating and protecting IT business value. Furthermore, it provides strong theoretical underpinnings for how to organize effective IT governance. For practitioners, this thesis shows how the VSM can be used as a lens to describe and diagnose IT governance in practice. Furthermore, it provides insights on the IT governance mechanisms and practices that may be used to instantiate the required functions of an IT governance arrangement.
NoDaLiDa 2019 Conference in Turku, Finland
Hercules Dalianis and I recently attended NoDaLiDa 2019, the Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, in Turku (Åbo), Finland between September 30 to October 2 2019.
The first NoDaLiDa conference was in Gothenburg in 1977 and included 13 papers written on typewriters. The papers were in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English. This years rendition was considerably larger with over 75 papers presented during workshops or the main conference. None was written on a typewriter to my knowledge and all were in English. The papers did not only include research related to the Nordic languages, but also Spanish, Czech and Tibetan to name a few.
Both Hercules and I presented papers during the workshop on NLP and pseudonymization. I presented the paper Augmenting a De-identification System for Swedish Clinical Text Using Open Resources and Deep Learning, co-written with Hercules, and Hercules presented his paper Pseudonymisation of Swedish Electronic Patient Records Using a Rule-Based Approach.
We have written a report from the conference, which is available in Swedish.
All the best,
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten Bodø 18-19 juni 2019
Jag är inbjuden talare till konferensen Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten i Bodø, Norge, 18-19 juni 2019. Bodø ligger norr om Polcirkeln. Konferensen har över 320 deltagare från hela Norge både inom forskning, hälsovård, administration och företag men också inbjudna deltagare från hela världen. Temat är artificiell intelligens och hälsovård och flera talare ger exempel på det Jianying Hu IBM Watson forskningslab George Vazmatis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota, David Albers Columbia University och Narges Razavian New York University, USA, Max Gordon, Karolinska Institutet, men också Anne Grethe Erlandsen statssekretær i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet pch Bjørn Guldvog, generaldirektør Helsedirektoratet. Alla talarna talade om hur man ska använda deep learning/maskininlärning för att bearbeta kliniska data för att förstå komplexa data från DNA-sekvenser, radiologibilder, patientjournaldata och text. Jag har talat om Clinical Text Mining- Secondary use of electronic patient records och olika tillämpningar kring detta.
Erasmus+ at Athens University of Economics and Business
I have been at Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) for a month teaching a course called Clinical Text Mining at their Master program in Data Science. This is an exchange through Erasmus+.
I have enjoyed it a lot and also visiting associate professor Ion Androutsopoulos and his post doc Jannis Pavlopoulos at the AUEB Natural Language Processing group and learned a lot of new things among them how to generate text from radiology images.
Hanna Berg, new employee
Hi! My name is Hanna Berg and I have been working here at DSV as a programmer/research assistant in the Clinical Text Mining Group since April. Together with Hercules Dalianis I am working in a project about de-identification and pseudonymization of patient health information in medical records. I will be working here until December.
My background is partly in linguistics, medicine and psychology from the Speech and Language Pathology Programme at Karolinska Institute, and partly in computer science from my time as a student here at DSV.
I have already met a lot of nice people and and getting to know all of you better!
Smarta lås – samarbete med Stockholms stad
Kan lås göras smarta? Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons och Rahim Rahmani har deltagit i ett projekt tillsammans med Stockholms stad. Projektet har tillsammans med leverantörer av låslösningar undersökt möjligheter för staden att använda smarta lås.
Inom projektet lyfte leverantörerna fram många intressanta lösningar för att göra åtkomst för hemtjänst, förvaltning och avfallshantering enklare.
DSV del i arbete var att analysera de föreslagna lösningarna utifrån ett plattforms- och ekosystems-perspektiv.